How can you get rid of habits like biting your nails, or biting your lip?

Answer #1

The best way to break a habit is find something that could possibly be funner than what you’re doing….long story short, you need distraction.

As for biting your nails, use your phone, writing, TV remote, etc to keep your hands away from your mouth.

Answer #2

Thanks ;P

Answer #3

Your welcome :)

Answer #4

Apparently it takes 5 days to make or break a habit. So if you can go a week without biting your nails, you have a very good chance of stopping! I used to be a cronic nail-biter for most of my life and one day last year I was in a spa-pool for a very long time and you know how when you’re in water for ages your nails seem to grow? Yeah, well they grew and I woke up the next morning with actual white bits on the tips of my nails (something that never ever happened to me!!) and I thought there and then I’m never biting them again!! I’ve had a few slip ups but overall I have done amazingly, if I can stop biting my nails then anyone can!

Answer #5

I had the same problem until I got them done and I didn’t want to damage the designs . Get them done how ever you choose and see if that helps. Try that or think about the gems and things that helped alot too !

Answer #6

My boyfriend had the same problem. He wanted to quick so bad. Everytime I saw those fingers in his mouth I would say “ GET THOSE FINGERS OUT OF THERE”. I would turn around and turn back and they were in there again. We were in the cosmetic aisle one day, because I was buying makeup when we saw this thing called stop the bite kick the habit. So we picked it up for him. Its basically clear nail polish that taste extremely nasty and bitter. Every time he got even close to putting his nail in his mouth he spit it out and immediately had to run for something to drink. Thats hard in the middle of the store. It was a very enjoyable experience for me seeing him running for something to drink. And the look on his face was priceless.

Answer #7

I have to admit, that’s a gross feeling and good way.

Answer #8

thanks i know it makes me chuckle thinking about it today

Answer #9

Well, my mom always told me to be twirling my hair(unless your a guy, than do another thing XD) I still tend to bite my nails, and well other ‘bad’ habits. Mainly draw, or put gloves on(plastic or another texture) to keep you from picking/biting them. It may feel weird but it helped my friend out, when she bit them to short and she bled.

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