
My ex boyfriend and I broke up about 2 months ago and It took me about 3 or 4 weeks to get over the break up and recently i have even been liking another guy. But lately i have been thinking about him a lot and really missing him. I am not sure what to do. I was always taught to fight for what you want but i just dont know if I should go back or tell him how i feel.


Answer #1

Why did you guys break up in the first place

Answer #2

As asked, why’d you break up? If it’s for reasons such as… he abused you, or cheated on you. Then no hun, you don’t go back to a guy like that. However, if it was for a reason where you two just drifted apart and decided to go seperate ways, such as “taking a break” - then yes, call him up and see how he feels as you talk to him about how you’ve been feeling lately.

But, if deep inside you know that the break up was for a good reason, then I’d say it’s normal that you’re re-playing memories of your past with him, which causes you to miss him. It’s all natural, especially when you start liking another guy… you get the tendecy to compare and have past memories brought up. It just means you haven’t healed 100% If that’s the case, don’t jump into anything new so soon.

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