Relationship/child help

I’ve been with my girlfrined for 4 years now and she wants kids and so do I but I just cant cum whats wrong with me???

Answer #1

I know what age he is, I don’t think that trying for a child is the right thing to do at his point in his life though. I’m allowed my opinion.

Even at 20, having a child is very expensive no matter what job you have. Most people have no graduated college by 20 years old in the first place.

Answer #2

LOL mandy, you don’t know if he already has a good job and is mature enough to take care of a baby already. He is not 16 years old.

But well you both should think about it twice or more cause a baby is not just get pregnant, wait for it and be happy forever.

So if you think you both are really ready for it, can deal with it, have enough money, are mature enough. and etc


Answer #3

you are about my age (which is kinda young). I think that maybe subconsciously your mind is telling you not to have a child.

Children are a huge responsibility and take a lot of time effort and money. Do yourself a favour and go google the cost and responsibility of raising a child etc and just make sure that it is really what you want to do. I the problem then still persist after you are 100 percent sure. go see a doctor.

Answer #4

That is your body telling you ITS WRONG!

You are not married, you are young, and there is NO REASON to have a child right now - except selfishness.

There is no reason to bring a child into the world on purpose when you can’t fully take care of financially and emotionally.

Tell your girlfriend to grow up and wait until she is older.

Answer #5

Go to a Urologist, and find out if there is something physically wrong…it would be the easiest to eliminate…If it’s something in your head (the one on your shoulders), then maybe you need to ask yourself the pertinent questions…like “do I want a baby?”…

Your subconcious may be holding you back, because you know that now is not the time for a child…if that’s the case your subconcious is smarter than your girlfriend.


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