
I told my boyfriend I was gunna take break from society for awhile because we had a big sorta arguement and I felt so awful and yah..he asked if were gunna take a break or stay togther you no ? So I told him I don’t wanna take a break because I’m afraid he’ll start having feelings for this girl that’s my friend and that I think she likes him..instead of re-assuring me that he loves ONLY me and that he doesnt want anyone else he just said ‘…check in with me’ which got me thinking and I left he prbly didn’t no I was fxcking heated but I am. I no she likes him. I’m not stupid I see her little away msgs right after I confide in her its always something that sounds sooo fxcking similar too the situation or somethin. And I’m pretty sure one of them or maybe both of then are prbly reading this right now. Dunno why I posted this question I don’t even up what type of advice I need I just felt like saying it. So whatever I don’t care anymore…I can’t trust anyone. I pour by heart out to people and its never enough everyone in the world can to screw because I’m so fxcking over everything..

Answer #1

how the hell am I drama queen?!

You just posted this huge long rant that isn’t actually a question, titled ‘Reassurance?’ and ended it with ‘…I’m so fxcking over everything..’ That screams a few things to me- ‘teen angst’, ‘mercurial’, ‘whiney’ and… ‘drama queen’.

um ok..jeez yer soo fiesty 24/8 why can’t you just be nice once in awhile -.- Does someone need a hug..?

You’ll find the captain has a straight up approach- he doesn’t candy-coat things. You’ll notice that not all of us on the site are sympathetic to those who whine and play the martyr. It’s not a matter of us needing to be nice, or needing hugs (nice attempt at being condescending there), it’s a matter of some people needing to exercise common sense once in a while. So you like your fella, but are worried if you are away from him too long, he’ll run off with another girl- this shows your relationship is not stable, you don’t trust him. Work on it, or flick it.

Is that ‘krystalklear’ enough for you?

Answer #2

agh whatever fine I give up never mind. Thanks for your help..sorta. Even tho I was completely lost as too what you meant..but thanks anyways.

Answer #3

…because, just like before, you probably won’t like the answer… u___u

Answer #4

…I prefer being HONEST.

Answer #5

um ok..jeez yer soo fiesty 24/8 why can’t you just be nice once in awhile -.- Does someone need a hug..? =| ..ha trying too be nice . ^.^

Answer #6

face to palm

…wow… you really don’t read too well, do you? u___u

Do you not understand the concept behind the ‘’multiple choice’’ question? I gave you three POSSIBLE (possible does NOT necessarily mean they’re TRUE) answers: A, B, or C …which one do YOU think is correct?

Answer #7


Answer #8

-.- why are you so mean ? I was mad at the time and posted that question because I was upset. I’m trying too sit here and read what I wrote and see how it comes off as me being a drama queen..maybe if you knew past things that have happened and if you knew the entire story as too why I’m coming off as ‘un-trusting’ then you’d see I’m not a drama queen. and miss ‘loveisawesome’ why don’t you explain to me how I’m a drama queen? …because I’m really confused here…I don’t think I’m dramatic. He and I had a huge insane arguement maybe if I wouldve posted what went down in the arguement then you two wouldn’t be sitting here calling me a drama queen..

Answer #9

Well judging from the question it does seem like you are untrusting… and drama queen like ‘captainassasin’ …and…dont put questions up if you dont want the truth from people who airnt afraid to tell you like it is…

Answer #10

mister ‘captainassasin’

…its ‘’master’’ actually… not mister…

You should re-read my initial statement (slowly), and be less of a defensive insecure teenager about it. I said it was a POSSIBILITY. In basic terms, it means that either [a] he isn’t trustworthy, [b] you are untrusting, or [c] BOTH.

Ironically, your response is only further validating the ‘drama queen’ part.

Answer #11

mister ‘captainassasin’ how the hell am I drama queen?! you OBVIOUSLY don’t no the whole situation ^.^ and I’m not the only one with the trust issues how am I untrusting? How would YOU no if I’m untrusting? Alrightey then.

Answer #12

There’s THREE possibilities in this situation…

a) Your boyfriend has feelings for someone else, and he’s lying to you. b) Your totally paranoid, untrusting, and a drama queen. c) Both a and b

Relationships are built on TRUST. You’ve made it clear that you don’t have that. Either GET IT, or end the relationship.

Answer #13

…don’t mention it… really… don’t.

Answer #14

I ‘didn’t like the answer’ because I didn’t really understand it.

Answer #15

..why won’t you let me ask you a question then?

Answer #16

I know

Answer #17

glare can I ask you a question..

Answer #18

I told you I loved no one but you. I’m sorry for not making that clear enough…

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