Really long questions

So I was going to answer this question but it was very very long. So I decided not to. Personally me, I like the short and to the point questions. I understand sometimes you have to be kinda long b/c of a certain situation but to type paragraphs explaining your idea bout it?? Do you read the really long questions or do you ignore them?? What is your opinion bout them??

Answer #1

When I come across a really long question, I like to read it and see what answer I could give the person that posted the question. If it gets too long, then I’d probably would have to skip it. But, if the person posts a really long question pertaining to a situation, then I’ll do my best to answer it.

Answer #2

why did it post my question twice for?? I only submitted it once.

“But for christ sake people STOP WITH THE LONG QUESTIONS!!!” yeah I agree

Answer #3

I did say there are certain situations where you have to be long, some of you are taking it that im saying never ever do it, im not, its the ones that isn a question, they state their question, then they have paragraphs, on their ideals or insulting others that doesn have the same ideal as them and I didnt say they were pointless ally xo, just SOMETIMES they dont have to be.

Answer #4

I agree sometimes you want to read them cause there intresting But for christ sake people STOP WITH THE LONG QUESTIONS!!!

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