really embaressing discolouration inbetween my legs and armpits

I have brown discolouration in between my thighs and on my armpits im a bigger girl and it gets really embaressing when I decide to have sex I dont wanna put the guy off with the colour and I carnt wear sleeveless tops because im really self concius please help ,,,?

thanks xx

Answer #1

I’m sorry, that was a little insensitive, I didnt mean it that way, the reason I knew about the PCOS is because I have it, and I’m plump (putting it nicely) too, I know it’s tough to lose weight. I was simply telling you what they said on the site. If it helps, it’s really not that big a deal, usually people have other things on their mind when they’re in bed :)

Answer #2

I’m not sure. You should discuss this with your doctor. It’s a symptom of insulin resistance.

There’s a community for PCOS that discusses this particular issue. Apparently losing weight and taking the insulin medications helps…

Answer #3

yeah thanks im on metaformin on trial for girls my age and I try my hardest to lose weight but it just dont happen

Answer #4

hmm, you should talk to a doctor, could be a sign of PCOS…

Answer #5

yeah I have pcos is there any way I could make my skin lighter ?

Answer #6

The metformin will help, and take vitamins

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