Why am I suddenly becoming more violent around my period?

ok, lately I have noticed a pattern forming in my temper, and my periods.

I don’t know why?? I have two brothers, and we ALWAYS used to play fight…and sometimes it would get VERY aggresive…and very OTT… you know, to the death stuff.

however, lately, I am being like it towards my husband…he’s really been annoying me lately and I have noticed when I’m on or very close to coming on, I want to ‘pick a fight’ as such.

so last night, we were playing a game, and he kept on ‘stealing my points’ (part of the game..and he was deliberately taking them from me…and I just saw red! and went over to ‘tackle’ him…and it went into a full on rolling on the floor scrap!

part of me thinks he was mean to provoke me,,, and the other part knows that I needent have reacted that way…

we had a friend over, who seems to come over every time I’m on, and we play games, we have a few and then it goes sour from there really…

stop ‘having a few’ I hear you say, but that’s not the point. I never used to get like this!!

anyone know any good websites where they give info on PMT/ violence and marriage? thank you!

Answer #1

Ok, so you never used to get like that when you had a few and now you do…

The logical thing would to not have a few as long as your emotions are all over the place, atleast until you’re on medication that might help… The alcohol is obviously not helping whatever the problem is.

It may be PMDD http://www.healthline.com/adamcontent/premenstrual-dysphoric-disorder

as for the anger management part, well that is really what it is… No matter how you feel, you’re always in control of your behavior… looking up violence in marriage would send you to domestic violence, which usually focuses on how to help the victim, however this lets you know a little about anger management and how to control it http://www.apa.org/topics/controlanger.html You might want to consider couples therapy…

Answer #2

You sound like a good candidate for anger management classes. It would probably also be wise to locate your nearest mental health clinic and ask for an evaluation by a psychologist for evidence of possible mental health issues. That you are aware of your problem is important, and shows that your intelligence is probably sufficient to overcome this disorder. But you do want to make absolutely sure that you gain 100.000% control over your temper, or you could do something reckless some day to your husband - or your children - that you might end up regretting for the rest of your life. Let a skilled practicing psychologist talk with you and see what they recommend. You can then go from there to get the help you apparently need.

Answer #3

hunny I dotn think you have anger problems its just PSM we all get it but for some of us it dosnt affect us untill we get older I don’t know why I mean mytwin when she is on it she is absolutly evil but when I am im fine it just donst tame much to set me off if someone says or dose something I dont like well there gose there head drinking durring your period can make you more violent or drink while close to your period can also do the same as you get older your horamons change so that is why it could be jsut a horamone thing thats all I would see a doctor or get on birthcontrol and if you are alread on it try yaz it helps with the PMS part and the moodyness

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