Rape and Suicide...what would you advise?

I have a friend who was raped 4 months ago. Its hard for her to talk about the incident but she needs help (she has horrible flashbacks.) When advised to try counseling she attempted suicide after the first session. What should I advise her to do?

Answer #1

Ok first I am very sorry about this situation, rape is a very brutal and sadistic topic, I feel for the young lady in question. It is possible that the counselling she received was unprofessional and inadequate. This kind of counselling has to be done accurately, especially when suicidal tendancies are present, the smallest suggestion wrongy delivered can be catastrophic. if you are taking this situation by the horns, I would suggest researching a top rated counsellor and first explain everything that has happened up to this point and particularly about the attempt after the first counselling session. Very delicate situation this, sometimes we try to say the right thing, and end up doing a lot more harm than good. Dont feel doomed, its just time to find the right counsellor. Good luck

Answer #2

Maybe you could suggest that you go with her to therapy. I know that a lot of people feel better having someone they know that they trust there with them. She is scared and hurt right now, and she probably is wondering what she did to deserve something like this. You need to just be there for her and let her know that no matter what has happened she is still a good person and that the man who raped her is a bad person. She didnt do anything to deserve it, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Assure her that everything will be okay again one day, she just needs to stay strong. So do you. You are one of the only people she has right now.

Answer #3

If the guy end up behind bars she will feel much better .

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