How does a radio work (read below please)?

So, i have this phone with Radio antenna. i noticed that the radio gives better reception when i touch the antenna or move my hand near the antenna and also when i move the phone a certain direction. why does it do this?? this got me wondering abt how does radio work??

Answer #1

An electrical current passing through a conductor it produces a magnetic field and a magnetic field passing through a conductor produces a momentary electrical current. When an alternating current passes through a conductor it produces an alternating magnetic field which when it passes through a conductor it produces a small radio frequency alternating current. Antennas are conductors that are used to transmit radio waves as well as to receive them; when an antenna resonates at the frequency of the radio frequency it is far more efficient converting radio signals into radio waves and back to current. In addition radio waves can be attracted to or reflected from conductors. Often cell phone antenna design is compromised to make it practical and small. Your body conducts electricity and even has electrical qualities such as resonance, capacitance, and inductance. As you change your distance from and orientation to your cell phone antenna you modify the resonate frequency of your phones antenna and your body can act as a reflector or an attractor of radio waves. This is why the way you stand and how you hold the phone you will see changes in radio strength. By experimenting to get better reception you are actually tuning your antenna to work better.

Answer #2

Thanks alot for the info.

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