Questioning the actions of your nation is that treason.

When someone doesnt agree with the governemt I’ve heard some conservative or other (you dont have to believe that) say thats treasoness. What is by definition treason?

Answer #1

Questioning the government is not treason. Treason is defined as an action that assists in the overthrow of one’s home government, aids in making war against one’s country, or in some other way seriously injures the country (Oran’s Dictionary of the Law).

Speech that is perceived as leaning toward treason is called sedition. The US has occasionally cracked down on sedition throughout its history, but it’s important to realize that sedition is not simply speaking in opposition to the government or opposition to a war. For example, in the Espionage Act, which was enacted during World War I, sedition was defined as spreading false rumors about the US military with the intent to disrupt operations, encourage mutiny within the military, or oppose military recruiting. The US has frequently criminalized speech which encourages the overthrow of the US government. This happened under John Adams, as well as during the 1940’s at the height of communist paranoia.

Answer #2

Of course not, and any one who says that is extremely misinformed. I think not questioning the acts of your nation when they are doing wrong is unpatriotic. The “love it or leave it” mantra is a perfect example of people who have no idea what this country is really about.

Answer #3

questioning the acts of our gvernment isnt treason…in reality it should be the basis of our democracy, but since the patriot act …apparently your a terrorist if you should think our government is anything less than adequate…

Answer #4

Conservatives are not (in general) treasoness…the reason we are conservative is because we believe in less govt constraint and more private buisness and what not where as librals believe more in welfare and what not things to more or less bail people out of trouble

treason is when you do something to harm your nation or your govt…in the US that would be like aiding the terrorists…something to the extreme like that

we (as citizens) have the duty to question our govt and theactions of our nation..if noone questioned what people were doing there would be no need for elections and our govt would not be acting in our best interests because we as a nation change and our need as citizens change

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