question for 14-15 year old girls only

Since no girls I really know ever tell me what they think of how I look im asking hear because I have never heard an honest first look opinion of me im really dressed up and of corse I am the only guy in the pic I dont think im very attractive what do you think? try and focus on the face only.

Answer #1

Of course you are. Dont worry about anything. The right girl will come along :D Just be confident :] -Morgan :]

Answer #2

I think if you lost the glasses you would be finee.. and girls most of the time go for personalityy.

Answer #3

im thirteen but you are very cute

Answer #4

u definetlt have a good looking future let your hair grow down to your nose and im 13 but turnung 14 tomorrow so could you help me out and comment on boys boys

Answer #5

haha thank you it morning where I live though but anyways I do care about my personality to im really sensitive I guess I could put it as and I mean reallly sensitive so sensitive where I think its un attractive at least thats what everyone else thinks every girl I meet races to be my friend but never have I had a true girl friend

Answer #6

im not 14 or 15. …but your fine. dont worry about it so much… if I showed you a picture of me when I was 14, you would laugh in my face. I was the ugliest little preteen ever. lol but in a matter of a year, or two… I grew into my body and I think I looked pretty good! …my point is the exact same thing will happen for you. you are not a bad looking boy at all. so what im saying is… if you are uncomfortable in your skin at all, just give it some time.

and also.. .since this post was directed towards girls around your age… im assuming your looking for validation…and to find out what girls around your age find attractive.

well… your gonna be suprised when I say this… but cosmo (a huge older-girls magazine) did a study about what women these days find most attractive about a man. guess what the answer was?? A good sense of humor.

a guy could be an abercrombie and fitch model, but if he was booring, unintelligent, and humorless, I wouldnt give him a second look.

if you have a good, genuine personality… and your a kind, caring person who really does mean well… a girl will notice that and be attracted to you.

looks really are only skin deep.

so yes. to answer your question… no, your not a bad-looking boy at all. to sumarize my rant… stop focusing on your looks and concentrate more on showing people a lovley pleasent funny personality!!!

Best wishes

Answer #7

If you lose them glasses then youll be ookk

Answer #8

judging by the pic you are fine and if you are with 3 girls of course you are.

Answer #9

you’re kinda cute, you look fine sweetie

Answer #10

the girl in front of you seems interested

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