How deep in the vagina is the hymen?

I’m a 17 year old boy who has just ad sex with his girlfriend. I was wondering, How deep in the vagina is the hymen? Is it deep or is it at the front? I was fingering her the other day and in the back there is something but I don’t know if thats the hymen/.cherry or if the hymen/cerry is in the fonrt and wasn’t there to begin with. She plays sports a lot her whole life s maybe that would do it? I would really appreciate and answer.

Thanks, Lucas

Answer #1

I wus born without it I guess I’m lucky

Answer #2

I was born without a hymen guess I’m lucky

Answer #3

the hymen is in the front its usually a thin layer of skin that sort of blocks the entry to the vagina these are some of the things that can break it horse riding, bicycal riding, sports and agressive sports, fingers, sex toys, masterbating and tampons so if she can fit a penis or a finger in there its broken as well as that some girls ar born wihtout a hymen as well

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