pregnant girl freind

pregnent symptoms why do pregnent women throw up?cuz my girl friend throws up a lot and i need to know why.

Answer #1

We can’t explain why some people feel fine and others are green for months. Even the same woman may feel vastly different in each pregnancy. There is some relationship between nausea and the level of the pregnancy hormone hCG. In twin pregnancies, and in other situations where the hCG is greater than expected, nausea and vomiting tend to be worse. In a pregnancy destined for miscarriage, hCG levels tend to be low, and nausea is often less severe. This being said, a lack of nausea doesn’t guarantee that the pregnancy is destined for miscarriage. The fact that nausea and vomiting are often signs of a healthy pregnancy can offer a silver lining in the dark cloud of miserable nausea.

Fortunately, for most pregnant women, nausea and vomiting are a first trimester event, peaking at week 9-10 and waning by week 14-16. When you are feeling bad the weeks can go by slowly but most moms do feel tremendously better by the middle of the pregnancy. Whether morning sickness is a brief experience or lasts through most of the pregnancy, there are treatments that can make the weeks or months more tolerable.

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