Pregnant? Brown Spotting?

So I have been having unprotected sex for the past 9 months that my boyfriend and I have been going out. I’m not on the pill and he doesn’t like to use condoms.I got my period about a week early and it started out as some blood and I felt like puking that morning. I also had very bad cramps that day, to which I couldn’t get out of bed. But for this past week it has been off and on. Like I could go a day without a tampon then need one. But it hasn’t been blood. It’s been a light brown color that I occasionally experience at the end of my period. But it has been off and on with this old blood. And here and there there is a spot of red blood. My periods are always very heavy and maybe a slight brown color a day after my period has ended. Never this light nor on and off like this. Plus it is never always a light brown color the whole time throughout the week of my period. I passed out about a month ago. Ended up going to the emergency room and that damn doctor told me that it’s normal for teenagers to do that. I honestly don’t know anyone of my friends that has randomly passed out. I also was having pains throughout my stomach, under my ribs and moving to my sides. Which then moved to my back and in to my shoulder blades. The doctor blamed that on smoking. I’ve smoked for about 4 years now and I slowed down a lot. I have maybe one or two cigarettes a day and I have been gagging afterwards or my stomach gets very upset. Certain foods make me want to puke, but I haven’t but they really upset my stomach. My stomach is kind of hard. And I’m worried I may be pregnant? Can it be something more serious? Can some one help? Or relate to me and has answers.

Answer #1

Light blood spotting can be caused by a hormonal imbalance. This can be caused by stress, smoking, bad sleeping or eating patterns and probably just plain hormonal changes that come with puberty. Passing out can be caused by other factors such as low blood pressure, low sugar levels and stress. Not only these but you’ll definitely want to be looking at your eating and exercising habits. Go se another doctor for advice. Get a second or third opinion if need be and try getting some blood tests for sugar levels. Of course stop smoking if possible! The pain and upset stomach you are feeling is very strange but then again could be caused by stress or an unhealthy life style. Try another doctor again. Finaly, pregnancy is possible since you are not using any form of birth control. This is quite easy to check, either buy a preg test at the pharmacy or ask the doc to do one for you. Simple as pie.

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