Is light spotting a pregnancy symptom?

So I started my last period march 21st and they always go 30 days. I ovulated on the 4th through 6th and I had unprotected sex trying to get pregnant. Now it’s the 11th of April and I’m having really light spotting. Well it’s gone away now. Does it sound like pregnancy?

Answer #1

hi spotting means all sorts not just Implantation bleeding which is a pregnancy sign it can also be infections,left over blood and that. It doesn’t always mean your pregnant.

Implantation bleeding is blood in discharge I know because I’ve had it and its different for everyone it doesn’t last long only for 1-3 days that how long you can get it for. Its rare not every women experiences it its nothing like a period either.

I got Implantation bleeding then got a period 2 weeks later which was proper light and no cramps it was proper strange. For the past 3 months my period has gone in a pattern and this 4th month my period was 1 day late never happened in my life. I have got to get a blood test done anyways soon as anyway good luck!!!

Answer #2

Sometimes you will spot and get your period late. The spotting can always also be implantation bleeding. If you miss your period wait a week and then take 4 epts 4 days in a row the first time you go to the bathroom in the morning and you will know.

Answer #3

So now im just not bleeding at all and i was suppose to start on the 19th!!! soo does this sound like it might be pregnancy??? Its been 8 days since i have started ovulation and I looked it up and implantaion bleeding occure anywhere from 6 to 12 days after oviulation and about a week before you next period and i fell like this is almost perfect timing with that! SO TODAY WILL LEAVE ME 8 DAYS LEFT TO START MY NEXT PERIOD! IM SO EXCITED AND I HOPE THIS IS IT FOR ME..!

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