Can you become pregnant without intercourse?

Hi I really hope you could help me with some advice. Me and my girlfriend are really concerned about and issue.

Can a women get pregnant without losing her virginity, I mean without having the full intercourse.
I have not had any kind physical sexual relationship with my girlfriend, she has not lost her virginity or anything like that, but I had ejaculate near her body. And by mistake some sperm from my hand had touched near her clitoris area.

My question is can she become pregnant without losing her virginity, having full intercourse.

Thank you, I appreciate your comment.


Answer #1

No. She needs to have intercourse, If the tip of the penis was in, that”s a different story, virgins, can still get pregnant, b/c sperm swim the woman’s fluids

Answer #2

you dont need to break any walls to get pregant >.<

Answer #3

Is it possible? Sure. I really doubt that you are though.

Answer #4

I dont think its possible but it could be me and my boyfriend have been trying but we cant get anything but most likely its not possible because the sperm has to meet with the egg inside the uterous

Answer #5

Me and my girlfriend have donte the same thing. How can we know she will not get pragnent? or How can we stop her Pregnancy if sprem has entered in? Please Help!!!

Answer #6

Getting pregnant is not the worse thing you can get. Always use protection.

Answer #7

boy you should know that. if you didnt cum inside of her vagina den no

Answer #8

if you hade it on your hand and actually touched her vaginal opening it is possible, however its not very likely at all. chances are you are worried about nothing. some say that seman is killed upon contact with the air. dont worry

Answer #9

there can be a small possibility because sprem cells were made to fertilize the ovals of the female and they live up to 7 days so she should clean her self right away an she should be fine

Answer #10

yes your kid will be lucky. she will be born by a virgin mother.

Answer #11

turkey baster

Answer #12

tlc: you said there are walls that have to be broken, and once they are broken you are not a virgin?

I presume you’re talking about the hymen? And if it has broken, that does not mean that you are not a virgin. Things such as horse riding can cause it to break!

As for the main question though, it is very unlikely that she would get pregnant, but if she was then she would be noticing other signs. I wouldn’t be worrying about it at all unless she was showing other signs of pregnancy.

Answer #13

Yes because sperm lives for about 3 days therefore if she touched her self after getting it on her hands she can become pregnat that happen to my very close friend of mine and now she has a beautiful baby boy if she has not had a period get her a at home prgnancy test and if those come back negitive take her to the doctor or plane parenthoon they will do those for free jut tell them you dont have insurence! Hope I could help!

Answer #14

semen can live for approx 3 days in air… but I highly doubt that this minimal transfer would cause her to get pregnant… next time though, be more careful because it is possible… just not that likely… maybe she should be on birth control even though you are not sexual active at this time.

Answer #15

you can become pregnant without intercourse, but, like it’s been stated above, it is VERY unlikely. however, you should be very careful if you’re coosing not to use a condom, because even precum can get a girl pregnant. it is truly unlikely, so you probably have nothing to worry about, but to prevent future stressful situations like this, use some form of protection.

Answer #16

well, it is harder for the sperm to flow all the way up starting from just the outside, like with intercoarse it gets a head start by being pushed out and being up in the girls vag, but like it can still happen. even if it is a lot harder, there can be some pretty strong sperm that can make the way, if she was wearing underwear there is a rare chance, pants, it would be imposible inless you soaked em.

Answer #17

Any time semen is near the entrance of the vagina, whether or not the girl is a virgin, it “is possible” that she could become pregnant. As stated above, the chances are low, but this does not mean to continue this activity without protection. The best protection for you right now may be EDUCATION. You and your girlfriend need to know much more about the sex your having, pre-semenal fluid, and other ways she can get pregnant without the use of birthcontrol.

Answer #18

I have a similar problem…me and my boyfriend were fooling around and we were both naked. He fingered me and also came on the bed. I dont no if any cum was on his hand when he was fingering me but im very worried, my period is late and im a virgin but im cherry has been popped…??? HELP PLEASE…SO SCARED!!

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