
I was never really that skanky popular but I want to become popular with lots of people and I want to stay with my old friends to help me!

Answer #1

Being popular means nothing - why not just stick with the friends you have? I personally would rather have a few close friends that I’m really tight with than a bunch of friends that I don’t know that well.

Answer #2

thats very true being popular aint nothing… I was poplular in highschool partying all the time and stuff and I only got in trouble. the friends you have now will more than likey stay with you. if you really want to be popular just start talking to everybody be everyone friend. even the geeks if your not smart they could help you with homework or what not.

Answer #3

just be yourself, why pretend to be something you are not.just stay with the friends you have and dont worry about being popular, think about getting your life together. thats what school is all about.

Answer #4

Why would you want to be ‘popular’?…I consider being popular another label, and why would you want to be a label? Most of the people in the ‘in crowd’ are snobs that like to hurt other people’s feelings. Would you want someone to be mean to you and call you names? I can only hope not…the only reason the other popular people would want to be with you is if your popular…If you weren’t they’d only be jerks. They only want to be with people who want to be like them…fake people. Just be yourself, and don’t ditch your friends for other people. If your friends love you, and could ask you for advice about anything you ARE popular…and in a good way. :)

Answer #5

Hey there! Eveyone likes being popular at one stage. But you really have to ask your self why do I want to be popular? Is it really worth it? Are there people there who I trust? If this popular group is the “wrong” one cause they’re smoking under aged or taking drugs illegaly then it is sooo not worth it. So our advise, stick with the friends you’ve got. But if you think they are the “right” popular group, just be yourself and start a conversation like asking them what their hobbies are or something. Who knows? You might meet some new friends. Just make sure that if you do make new friends, introduce your old ones with your new ones so the old ones don’t feel left out!

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