Politically Correct My Arse!!!

Why do some politicians cower down and forget about whats right for the sake of being politically correct? Sometimes feelings are going to be hurt. Sometimes you will lose votes. Okay but this country’s moral standards are steadily declining. Sometimes people need to hear that they are WRONG!!! Anyone else fed up with these left wing politicians and their anything goes policies?

Answer #1


Answer #2

Definitely - we got the Tax Cheat in charge now to make sure you pay your taxes and all the while they stick to the claim ‘most Ethical’ just because it’s PC - and ‘Change’ goes on, so far not for the better - promises broken every day now, government increasingly taking over private interests - promised: ‘’Change doesn’t come from Washington, change comes to Washington’ then many in the Clinton admin. appointed - promised no lobbyists in admin. then former Lobbyist appointed #2 at Defense Dept. - stimulating the economy by giving Acorn 5 Billion - Amazing !! - just hope sanity steps in before we are truly the USSA - did you seriously say ‘moral standards’ - amazing to observe Pelosi’s ‘load that bill with paybacks’ version of ‘bipartisanship’…only my opinion which as of this moment I am free to express, not future guaranteed.

Answer #3

Not sure what any of this has to do with political correctness.

In any case, The banks who have failed through their own greed and incompetence should be taken over or at least highly regulated. In my opinion any bank that becomes “too large to fail” should be broken up as a monopoly into smaller banks. The way things stand now the large banks have us over a barrel.

FWIW, the stimulus bill does not earmark $5 billion for ACORN. This is one of those lies that conservatives think if they repeat often enough will be accepted as truth.

Why not appoint people from the Clinton administration? They have already proven their metal by being part of the most successful presidency in decades. The only one to have a surplus since Reagan. One that improved efficiency of government and under which our economy soared. Under Clinton we had record surpluses and prosperity, under Bush we had record deficits and recession.

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