Poem about my dad.

I hate that you fvcked up And blamed it all on me Of how I didn’t call you, You never once called me. I hate that you’re a liar, I believed every word You may have said your sorry But never have I heard. I hate that I looked up to you And thought you lead the way Cause little did I know I had a price to pay. I hate how I forgave, The fact that you did wrong Only cause I knew It wouldn’t last for long. I hate how I cant sleep Until my tears run dry And how I have no father To hold me as I cry. I hate the weight I carry Of you, who put me down Assuming id be fine Not knowing that i’d drown. I hate how living life Gets harder every day And still you sit there silent Without a word to say. I hate how you could think That maybe id forget The pain aching inside Is beating through my chest. I hate how you cant say You’ve placed the world above me And how you can’t admit That you no longer love me.

I told myself before, I’d never hate you. I’m telling you now, I changed my mind.

Answer #1

its a good peom and very sad it reminds me about my mom (I no you wrote about your daadd but my moms never been there/here 4 me) except the I don’t hate her I just don’t love her as much as I use 2 but anyways its a really good peom

Answer #2


This poem is really deep and its nice the way you express yourself by writing and not by hurting others or yoursself. I understand you pain I have a father and yet it feels like I don’t by his actions and his “im srry” and I promise. You have a talent and good luck.

Answer #3

I think dats a very nice poem.im sort of in your position too.I feel like it’s my fault too when really it ‘s not my fault or yours.it hurts like hell but you have to be strong and say you know what I made it with out you!

Answer #4

ohsocrazy :

I must say that considering that was very well written.

I have felt very similar many times against my Mother and Father…May hope for you is that in time it all works out.

May you find what ever it is you are looking for.


Answer #5

thank you all so much. yes, it feels so much better to get it off my chest. and I’m glad that some of you can relate to it. I like writing things that people can actually understand. thanks so much for your comments. I’d love to have more :)

Answer #6

that is a briliant poem its like something I wish I could give to my father. does it feel better to have it of your chest? you have talent my friend. xx

Answer #7

well it reminds me of my dad lol… never actually met him though…

Answer #8


While some of the technical aspects, such as the cadence, of the piece are slightly lacking, its ability to induce a specific emotion in a reader is extremely promising. You expressed yourself very well in the poem without making the common mistake of being too obvious. All in all a job very well done. I definitely enjoy reading it.

If you, or anyone who reads this, really likes poetry and writing, you may want to consider registering for a free account at www.writing.com. There you can post your various pieces for a community of like minded individuals to read and comment on.

Answer #9

well, that’s not very nice..

Answer #10

that,’s harsh butthat’s the same way my best freind feels about his father

Answer #11

I like it! NOT! I love it!

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