Can I be pregnant with two negative results?

We have protected sex in 08 September 2007. This is the last sex as we are in long distance relationship. I went back to my country on 09 September 2007. Till today, I have not commit any sex.

I always have irregular period. My september period suppose to due on the 16 September but it not come. It make me afraid and buy the homepregnancy to test and it show negative. 3 day later my period come and it is on 19 Septmeber.

My next period in Oct will due on 17 Oct but till today I have not get my period. I use pregnancy to test and it show up negative again.

I am afraid now, Can I be pregnant?

Pls advise me.


Answer #1

i dnt no…have u had ur period since u had sex…if u have then ur not pregnant…if u havent then u mite be pregnant…but it mite b 2 early 2 tell…write back

Answer #2 mentioned I got my period in september after sex.

I do not have sex anymore after my period in september but My oct period is due for 2 week already. I have test on 28 Oct and it show negative.

I always have the problem for irregular period

Am i still pregnant?

Answer #3

Its hard to tell. You should go see a doctor. I have had 3 negative results last month and my period was a couple days late and alot lighter than it usually is. I still havent gotten my period this month but i took a test and it was negative. Basically im in the same spot you are. I know its hard to wait but give it a couple weeks, see if you get your period. If you dont take another test.. if its negative wait a couple days and test again. Hope i helped.

Answer #4

I would not worry at all. Two tests were negative. I really do not think that you are pregnant.

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