Why would he tell me that?

Okay well me and my boyfriend have been going out but not too long. We “talked” for a long time before we finally did go out though and like he told me he was in love with me and all kinds of amazing stuff and that he wanted be with me forever and he used to always tell me he loved me when he had to go or was going to sleep or something and a few days ago he started this”ily” thing. This morning I asked him about it and was like well I dunno if I loev you as my girl friend. I told him that it was okay because we haven’t been going out that long and to love me like could possibly take time but why did he tell me all that other stuff and then tell me that? And what should I do? We didn’t break up, things just aren’t quite the same right now.. Please help. -thanks.

Answer #1

Sounds like he fell in love with your friendship.

Answer #2

break up thats a little screwey…

Answer #3

I had the same thing happen to me sorta…talk to him and ask him how he really feels about you…ask for a straight answer…I don’t know is not gonna cut it here…if he’s gonna beat around the bush and avoid telling you the truth then he’s not really worth trusting…not worth being with

Answer #4

Sounds like his feelings have changed for you now that you are dating.

Answer #5

Men aren’t very “verbal” when it comes to this love thing. They show it more through actions. Number one, it’s still early in the relationship, so the chances are you’re not going to hear the big “I love you” until later on in the relationship, and if that day never comes, don’t sweat it. It’s extremely obvious when guys are in love. They try to be with you 24/7, the two of you become best friends, he’s there for you no matter what, and one of the biggest steps is meeting his parents.

So I say, don’t stress out about it. If he makes you happy, and it seems like everything is going well, then be happy!

People throw around the word “love” so many times and half the time don’t mean it. Just be grateful that he appreciates you and actually shows his affection =o)

As for the whole “things don’t seem right right now”, relationships are like roller coasters… You’re at an extreme high one moment, some of them have so many loops and turns it gets you frustrated, and then it starts getting fun again (when you’re not about ready to lose your lunch. lol). Relationships start off AMAZING, the two of you try impressing each other, you have fun every single day… And then there are times when the “high” is gone. Often times people mistake that for “losing the affection for one another”. But that’s not what it means… It just means you two are getting comfortable with one another, so you don’t feel the need to impress each other anymore. If it truly is bothering you, talk to your boyfriend about it and see how he feels.

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