Pizza or no pizza?

Ok so I want to eat a slice of pizza but im trying to lose weight and I had like 4 slices yesterday!I want it but I dont want it!I already weigh 151 and I dont need the extra calories but I just dont know lol!(I feel silly for getting advice on if I should eat or not lol)

Answer #1

eat it =] but also eat healthily too, I need to lose some weight too, but I eat junk food, im 134, I used to weigh 126 when I did a lot of walking… so im going to try And do exercise so I wont feel guilty about eatin lots.. lol.

Answer #2

hehe =] we spend half of our lives eating, so we may aswell enjoy it Lol! no point eating rabbit food all the time hehe :P

Answer #3

yes I liek that answer!!!lol! =]

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