Pimples on my leg

I keep getting pimples on my upper thigh and well almost near my bum, and no its not an std im not sexually active. But is there any way I can get rid of them? When some go away, others comeagain and they leave scars! Is thereanyways to get rid of the pimples and the scars? Do I use normal face wash? Please help! Its embarassing!

Answer #1

use neosporing :)

also. if your girl, which im sure you are, maybe its the shaving???

sometimes you cut the skin where the hair follice grows out from, and causes infection, which results in a pimple.

or, like a pimply face. your skin is realeasing a lot of oil, which is getting mixed up with dirt, which ofcourse, just like above, will clog your pore, and infect it. resulting in a pimple.

people say chocolate causes pimples. no not true. same with nuts. no not true. its not the chocolate causing your pimples, its the oil. when you eat chocolate, there are some key ingredients that cause you to have more oil on your skin. same with nuts.

but its the not washing your face properly that cuases pimples. aslong as you scrub well, the oil wont get clogged up.

wash your legs every day 2wice a day. or shower 2wice a day. morning and night. and if you play sports (which im almost positve you do) shower right after. clean those legs.

Answer #2

You can get some prescription acne medication that can help…I had a bacterial issue that caused similar and a prescription cleared it right up. It was due to sweating too much and being in a very humid climate.

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