is there anywhere i can get the pill Plan B WITHOUT an adult with me?

Answer #1

If you’re really over 18 then yes, you should be able to. You can get it from your local pharmacist without a prescription (you have to ask the actual pharmacist for it), but you will have to show proof of age.

Answer #2

Nope, im sorry but if you felt you were mature enough to have sex you should be mature enough to be honest and tell your parents about it. Sex also equals resposiblity…this is one of them if you dont want t be pregnant.

Answer #3

pharma plus or shoppers drug mart. or any drug store…… i got mine and im 17 from pharma plus.

Answer #4

Try at a planned parenthood.

Answer #5

YES. Planned Parenthood. And you can be younger than 17, because you see a doctor or nurse practitioner who can write prescriptions. And you don’t need parents. And it is confidential. Give them a call Tomorrow morning if you need to take one. Go in late to work if you have to, because it is only effective if you take it early enough.

Also simplychallenging is right except the age is 17 or older as of June 2009

Answer #6

shouldnt u be able to get it at 16 without a perent tho because legal age for birds n bees is 16 or is this america im in australia x

Answer #7

Planned Parenthood or a free government clinic. You should be able to search for free clinics in your area on the internet.

Answer #8

to get plan B at a pharmacy without a prescription you only have to be 17

Answer #9


Answer #10

If you are 17+ you can get it at the pharmacy without your parents knowing. I think at 17 you are an adult, and its none of your parent’s business. Just do NOT use it as a method of birth control. Get on the Pill if you aren’t. Only use Plan B for emergencies. Do not rely on it.

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