PhotoShop Help!

I uploaded a Sketch that I colored with pencils and when I scanned it, it came out uneven with strokes. I was just looking all over youtube for tutorials and couldn’t find none on ‘How to smooth Colour using Photoshop 8.0

I see how peoples art come out so perfectly, . . any advice on how I can do the same??

Thanks so much!

Answer #1

I would like to see your art maybe

Answer #2

Show me the art so far. Most people prefer to color their art in Photoshop (at least I do!) so you might want to try that, but if I can see what you’ve got so far, I can help you fix it.

Answer #3

well first of all you should download the trial of photoshop CS4.. it’s the newest and the best. and you can get a trial from adobe for 30 days.

Make sure your scanner setting is at 300 DPI or PPI for a good quality scan.

I like to scan in color even though it sometimes has a rainbow effect on sketches. you can always change it to black and white by adjusting the “mode” and by adjusting the levels.

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