People who get famous off of Disney

Do any of you like people who get famous off of Disney?? The way I see it is if you show the slightest amount of talent, they take you and give you a show, then have you make a CD and edit your voice like crazy. Go ahead, call me jealous of those people, but that is not the case. I just believe in getting a start the hard way. I’m not necessarily saying that it’s not hard to get to Disney (because you have to drive there or something right :D), but I would prefer to get a record company’s attention by playing small gigs, sending in demos, and e-mailing them and stuff. Acting wise, I would go to open auditions until I can get a role. And some Disney stars end up recording songs talking about sex and stuff. They might as well have just gone to a record label in the first place.

Answer #1

All through your life you will find people who were in the right place at the right time - who knows, down the road, maybe you’ll be one !!

Answer #2

Yes everybody is thinking that at the moment, I have heard that armies of squirrels are gathering around because disney is driving them nuts and the whole world is planning an attack on the young disney acters to make sure if they sing they go to record labels and send in demo’s till they get the part, hope we win this fight like :D

Answer #3

i would love to be on disney channel

Answer #4

yes, even though their just regular people.. Minus the money & lights. .

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