
Does “PediPaws” nail trimmer hurt your dog?

Answer #1

My dog freaks out every time she hears it turn on, even if it’s in a different room, so anonymous is right, it takes a long time to warm up to it.

Answer #2

No it does not hurt them, but not all dogs like them,

Answer #3

no it doesnt hurt them. but they need time to warm up to it. dont force it on them or you will end up with problems.

Answer #4

My sister uses one on her Pug…and it’s the only time this dog holds still for a nail trim…so no, it doesn’t hurt.


Answer #5

its not supposed to- with the rotary sanding drum it should be pretty gently on your pets claws.

Answer #6

I purchased one and never was able to use it. My dog went crazy whenever I turned it on. I ended up giving it away.

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