Is pale skin attractive?

Is pale skin attractive? I have a nice complextion but I’m pale. Everyone seems to think tanned skin is the best. I feel really, really light when I have to be next to someone that has a major tan.

Answer #1

yes it’s beautiful! not everyone has tan skin. don’t worry about it! the only plus about about tan skin is it makes you look thinner. kind of like how black makes you look thinner.

Answer #2

pale skin is in. tan skin is kinda yesterday

Answer #3

I think pale skin is attractive—I like the look of it—yu rather be naturally pale—then overly faked tanned

Answer #4

pale skin is so nice because its interesting… tan (especially fake tan) is just common and blaaa…

Answer #5

it all depends on the person

Answer #6

im pale and cant tan. think of this: would you rather have pretty features and pale skin or a beautiful tan but ugly features. I luv being pale and it kind of goes with my style anyways so I guess im lucky that way. whoever says pale is eeewww are horrible jugmental people. Why are everyone obssesed with tanning anyway. Your tanned your tanned. Your pale your pale. its life and your skin. if you tan too much you will be wrinkley when your older anyways. enjoy who you are casue your probably really pretty and your worrying for nothing.

Answer #7

I have pale skin and wish I was mixed race so I wud have nice skin without faketan and less chance of burning red raw on holidays o and a lower percentage of skin cancer from d sun

Answer #8

YES…I luv pale skin and I’m fairly pale though I wish I was paler..! pale skin in INTERESTING .. while tan is COMMON and BORING… fake tan is yok..

Answer #9

You must live in the Western Hemisphere, huh? In the East, specifically Asia, pale skin is that of beauty. People go through great strides to try and make their skin pure white. Through creams, soaps, bleaches, etc. Then the west (Europe, the Americas) you have people rather having skin cancer and dying at 26 than to have pale skin. And using the lotions and creams to make the skin darker. It’s a messed up world.

Answer #10

I think all skin tones are beautiful + non is better than others but I think its better to keep to your natural skin tone instead of trying to be something your not, just be confident, I used to hate my pale skin and now I don’t mind it, you just have to learn to dress and wear make-up etc to match your skin tone (:

Answer #11

I am 42 years old and look like I am between the ages of 26-30 BECAUSE I have never stayed long in the sun, ever. I have no wrinkles at all. EVERYONE, without exception, when they try and guess my age, if they guess close to 30 and I say “nope” they start guessing even LOWER, not higher. Sun “tans” are really sun “burns”. Your skin must be burned to get a tan, period, just like meat. By the way, scale of 1-10, I’m about an 8, and have had several gorgeous women in my life…all without a sun “tan” thank you.

Answer #12

I don’t have an answerI want an answer! I have terribly pale skin-to the point where I look Anemic. I am so pale and so white that I GLOW-I stand out in a crowd I’m so white. Like a sheet. This annoys me. I really want to put some color into my skin so I at least look NORMAL. I don’t need a tan I just want to look like your average pink skinned white person-not a ghost or some refugee from a concentration camp. Since I am a MAN, I do not want to wear make up. Is there Anything I can-specifically diet-that can help me acheive this goal, or do I have to go to a tanning bed to do it? HELP!

Answer #13

dude people need to back of pale people. Personally I think we pretty much rock. Its so true, anyone can get a tan, but only a select few can be white. you just cant become white, you’re born with it. And people with tan skin arent gonna be looking so hot down the road. They are gonna have that gross leathery skin and look extremely fake and wrinkled. So I’ll take my skin over theirs any day.

Answer #14

pale skin is equally as beautiful as tanned skin. <3

Answer #15

Here’s your answer! Pale skin is very attractive, and likewise tan skin is very attractive. I used to have a complex about my whiteness.. I had many nicknames Casper, Powder, pale-face- I’m from a place in Oklahoma where there are many indians. And all the other hateful comments ie. looking like death. I barely did the tanning bed thing because it never stayed long. Its funny cause I had a couple of friends that told me to stop tanning because I was gettin so many freckles. Lose! Lose! Situation. On the flip side I had so many people tell me how beautiful my skin was “like porcelain” And that when I was 60 my skin would look like I was 30! So I got tired of caring and got over it. I’m almost 27 now and I had someone think I was 17 the other day. Most of the time I get 20 to 22 but still! Everyone can get a tan of some but people can’t turn there whole bodies white. So I realized I was blessed! WHen people try to talk crap to me about being white.. I tell them I sure am and I MAKE WHITE LOOK GOOD! When people tell me to get a tan I say heck no! Cause 40 years from now I’ll look half your age and I like my skin silky soft like a baby. I don’t want rough tough wrinkled alligator skin. Then I thank them for their advice. Sunsreen is one of my best friends! Bottom Line the only thing that is ever attractive is CONFIDENCE in who YOU are! Being comfortable in your own skin! Just watch the colors you wear. You can make black and white work depending on season, day, night, hair color, and if you’re a chick makeup. Stay away from pale colors! At least for me and other pale people I’ve seen it drowns us out. But some of you whities might think you make pale colored clothes look good! Go ahead! Own it! Depending on hair and eye color, you might actually pull it off. Wear colors that bring out your eyes. I also don’t do yellow well at all. Unless it’s a golden yellow. You are beautiful! Forget about the media’s veiw of tan skin. Fake blonde and fake tan is a dime a dozen. You’re rare so GO MAKE WHITE LOOK GOOD

Answer #16

I have pale freckled skin. As a male people have felt over time that a man needs a tan more than a woman. I like just being me, but I like both dark and pale women. I find a lot of dark women of different races appealing and somehow find having a relationship with someone who is darker to be very nice. I used to have a relationship with a dark Portuguese woman, but there is more to a relationship obviously than skin appeal. Opposites do attract though.

Answer #17

sorry I must ask how “having a good tan means a sexier body” a tan has nothing to do with how good your body is. each person is different some pull off the pale some pull off the tan it’s all the person.

Answer #18

I think tans are the best, but only a little tan because there are some girls that over do it and instead of looking better they end up looking toast

Answer #19

I prefer pale girls I think milk white skin is beautiful and I have a pale complexion as well its realy just a matter of oppinion

Answer #20

I think tans are the best, but only a little tan because there are some girls that over do it and instead of looking better they end up looking burnt toast

Answer #21

I think tans are the best, but only a little tan because there are some girls that over do it and instead of looking better they end up looking toast

Answer #22

its okay that your pale and no tan skin is not the best I mean everyone hve their own skin color just b confidence in it don’t let your skin wear you let you wear the skin! (if that made any sense lol) ^__^ hoped this helped!

Answer #23

I am also very very pale. I have dark hair so if kinda works, and I use a little colured make up to btlring out your eyes. I think pale and tanned are awesome, depending on the person. Some people you couldn’t see with out a tAn, others suit pale better. Who cares about looking normal? Own if. If your pale who cares? Your different, like everyone else. And if you stick out then great, you’ll be remembered. Xxx

Answer #24

Please, we all need to consider the fact that everyone in the entire world is different. White/ Olive/ Black, we are all beautiful, inside and outside. We are all victims of the horrible consumerstic society which portrays and tells to all audiences what beauty is. Please ladies and gentlemen, love you for who you are, you only have yourself at the end of the day.

Answer #25

I have pale skin. I’m a natural ivory. and I love my skin color. some people look very attractive with pale skin. and some people look good with tan skin. it all depends on the person. ^^ just some advie, dont sit in the sun or get in a tanning bed!! being in the sun too much will damage your skin and make you age faster. and tanning beds are just like toasters that burn your skin! I have a friend in my class who got in a tanning bed, and she came to school looking TERRIBLE! and it was permanent. she had naturally pale skin. now she looks like an orange. -.- please, if you really want a tan, use tanning lotions. I use tanning lotion on my skin if I have an uneven tan. it works really good. if you buy a good brand, the color will look subtle and nice! they dont damage your skin. and they are not permanent. so if you regret using the tanning lotion, just stop using it and your skin will go back to being pale. I hope this helped. ^^

Answer #26

different people suit different things. I’m EXCEPTIONALLY pale, but I just don’t suit being tanned at all. After I came back from holiday I couldn’t wait for my tan to fade because I just looked ridiculous.

Pale is better than orange, anyday, however a light tan can look lovely :)

Answer #27

Pale skin not okay. tan is so BEAUTIFUL onlie if the person wants 2 be that way if you have the COMPLEXION than you need COLOR…

Answer #28

well pale isn’t good. I think its ewww. just take sum time and get in the tanning bed..or lay in the sun..itsw not that hard. a good tan means sexier body. [=

Answer #29

Here’s your answer! Pale skin is very attractive, and likewise tan skin is very attractive. I used to have a complex about my whiteness.. I had many nicknames Casper, Powder, pale-face- I’m from a place in Oklahoma where there are many indians. And all the other hateful comments ie. looking like death. I barely did the tanning bed thing because it never stayed long. Its funny cause I had a couple of friends that told me to stop tanning because I was gettin so many freckles. Lose! Lose! Situation. On the flip side I had so many people tell me how beautiful my skin was “like porcelain” And that when I was 60 my skin would look like I was 30! So I got tired of caring and got over it. I’m almost 27 now and I had someone think I was 17 the other day. Most of the time I get 20 to 22 but still! Everyone can get a tan of some but people can’t turn there whole bodies white. So I realized I was blessed! WHen people try to talk crap to me about being white.. I tell them I sure am and I MAKE WHITE LOOK GOOD! When people tell me to get a tan I say heck no! Cause 40 years from now I’ll look half your age and I like my skin silky soft like a baby. I don’t want rough tough wrinkled alligator skin. Then I thank them for their advice. Sunsreen is one of my best friends! Bottom Line the only thing that is ever attractive is CONFIDENCE in who YOU are! Being comfortable in your own skin! Just watch the colors you wear. You can make black and white work depending on season, day, night, hair color, and if you’re a chick makeup. Stay away from pale colors! At least for me and other pale people I’ve seen it drowns us out. But some of you whities might think you make pale colored clothes look good! Go ahead! Own it! Depending on hair and eye color, you might actually pull it off. Wear colors that bring out your eyes. I also don’t do yellow well at all. Unless it’s a golden yellow. You are beautiful! Forget about the media’s veiw of tan skin. Fake blonde and fake tan is a dime a dozen. You’re rare so GO MAKE WHITE LOOK GOOD

Answer #30

I was really pale so I got a tanning cream. But after applying it, I can honestly tell you that they are both pretty. Being tan dosnt mean being sexier, its just darker skin. I had kind of an epithany when I got it. BEing pale or tanned are both beautiful in differnt ways.

Answer #31

pale skin is awesomees! lol I have pale skin but I am gothic so I guess it all goes on how you see urself. and dont worry bout whut people think.

Answer #32

I’m pale with blue eys which sometimes go very light blue and sometimes go greeney blue and I have dark brown-almost black hair. I am from the UK and feel very very average. is there anything 2 help me stand out more?

Answer #33

it depends on what you look like like if your emo it would look pretty because emos are hot im emo but yea whatever

Answer #34

I am really pale, one of the lightest possible shades and I have been made fun of almost my whole life. It used to bother me a lot until I started working in cosmetics and I saw how many people of ethnic background would come to me to help them look lighter, it would confuse me and I didn’t understand why they didn’t love their warmer skin tone, and then I found out how pale skin is seen as a great thing in their cultures. One lady from india kept complimenting my skin and saying she didn’t understand why so many white people try to bake themselves to get darker. I guess I realised that there’s always going to be people with different ideas of beauty, and instead of being upset about the color you were born, its so much easier to accept yourself for who you are, it makes you a happier person with confidence which is ultimately much more sexy than striving to be someone your not. Plus, for people trying to get a tan in the tanning bed, please don’t do it! It ruins your skin, its bad enough to bake in the sun but a bed is even worse, the sun damage is going to show itself when you get older, then you’re going to be coming to me at the makeup counter asking for age-spot lightening creams! And of course, the skin cancer risks! It not something to take lightly, wouldn’t you rather have pale soft skin instead of tan wrinkley dehydrated skin with a chunk cut out of you from cancer?! Love who you are!

You want a healthy glow? Use a bit of gradual tan moisturizer, jergens and nivea both make good ones, and put a bit of bronzer on your face, works a charm!

Answer #35

I am pale and have a few freakles on my cheeks and I love it. a lot of people tell me it looks cute. But sometimes I would like to get a tan but im pretty much fine with what I am. My skin dosnt tan that easily. So dont listen to the people who say just go out and tan cause its not that hard becuase for sum people it is actually hard. Im both greek and italian and I was still born with pale skin and I cant just go outside and tan easily. I think its kind of stupid that sumtimes people will tan for hours a day and praticlly fry there skin just to get what some people consider good looking. one day there going to get so many spots on there face to match there wrinkles. if your pale to a point you look like a ghost, just put sum blush on.

Answer #36

I think it depends on the person. I know a guy who is pale and is attractive and also men that are really quite tanned and they’re gorgeous!!

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