What are your opinions on 12 or 13 year olds having sex?

Answer #1

That’s just wrong !! But face reality . Kids these days see it on internet and tv , so they think it’s right .

Answer #2

When you look at it like that, it looks wrong and quite disgusting but it depends on that person/couple. I was only 14 when i lost my virginity but me and my boyfriend were ready and mature and talked about the possible consequences.. I’m 16 now and im still with him and love him dearly. but i do think 12 is too young, and 13 to be honest.

Answer #3

I think it’s wrong. In my opinion, theyre way to young. But it depends on the kid. We can’t change the reality. Loads of 12 and 13 year olds have sex. They should wait a bit though. :/

Answer #4

Its soooo wrong!! and tv shows and movies r not helping to stop it!

Answer #5

Its weird! When I was 12 I didn’t want to hold a boys hand never mind have sex with one! I think people rush into sex these days, its not seen as something special anymore.

Answer #6

Wrong absolutely wrong how can A 12 or 13 year old have sex in my openion this should not happen ;.’. in my country sex before marrige is a big crime .. .. ..

Answer #7

I find it interesting the quesion poster is 14 and asking about 12 & 13 year olds. Most people would think 14 is in the same category …. that being said ….

It doesn’t bother me. Having sex isn’t just some special privilege for married people or older people (but not too old!!)

That being said, I am worried that young people, especially girls, are having sex not because they want to, but because they are pressured into by friends or boyfriends or worse yet by someone in a position of power because they are older or in a position of authority. At a young age even a difference of a couple of years is too much because of the power difference.

Answer #8

Disturbing. I’m generally a pretty open-minded person, but 12 is way too young for that.

Answer #9

That’s truly wrong….they r too youNg 2 have sex or engage in such relationship…in my country that’s a crime..!

Answer #10

When I was 12 I didn’t even know what sex was! I used to play with a skipping rope, didn’t have a mobile, go out to the park with friends and only go on the computer to play games. Not a good idea, kids should not grow up quickly or want to. They should stay kids for as long as they can until of course they start growing up. 13 years old doesn’t sound as bad as 12, but 12, noo, that’s way to young! Sex should happen at 16 or after. I’m worried for people who want to do it at 12 or 13, masturbate all you like, but not the real thing ‘~’

Answer #11

Okay. So since im 13, i myself wouldnt have sex yet. First because i dont want to risk having a child, and second, im 13. Why would i have sex with someone that most likely doesnt care about me at all..? I have a few friends that say they have had sex, which only dissapoints me. I dont get why people are trying to rush into that. Because i know i have a ton of other stuff to be worrying about. Like grades!

Answer #12

how the hell 12 or 13 old can do such a huge thing

Answer #13

What do you mean?

Answer #14

I agree. It’s just very wrong. Idk it’s just that we’re still basically children but we’re not doing what a child would do:/ I personally think sex after marriage is the best option but ofcourse, many people have their own thoughts and also, some couples have sex after alot of discussion and stuff before taking such a big step but yeah. Even though the couple do discuss it isn’t it best to have sex like after waiting first? I mean do the things a child is supposed to do! You really don’t have to rush it..

Answer #15

It’s very sad, but true. I recently discovered one of my closest male friends who was way under my social status, somehow managed to have a wild intimate relationship with the main female I had affection for at this age. It’s not safe and jat rushing what should be shared explicitly between married couples.

Answer #16

Well that’s because you live in a country that follows Islamic law

Answer #17

Disgusting. Honestly, I feel it is disgusting. They’re kids, kids having sex with kids. There’s no need to rush. And no matter how “mature” they believe they are at that age, there’s quite the limit on it. On top of that, tonso f the kids having sex those ages don’t understand the consequences, don’t understand about taking precautions, and just think of “pleasure”. Along with that, many are pressured by their friends, and call me sexist if you will, but many times males will pressure or say or do anything to have sex with a girl. People take sex as something so lightly and then wonder why they have diseases or are pregnant at a young age, or why their heart is broken time and time again. Sex is much more than just physical pleasure. When you have sex a hormone called Oxytocin is released, it’s what makes most feel attached to a person. To me, this clearly states it’s just a physical matter, emotions and feelings are definitely involved. Personally, I feel that sex is something you share with one person, and the one person alone. Of course, not everyone feels that way or sees sex that way, ok fine. But where’s the rush? I do not believe teenagers should be having sex. As much as most teenagers think they’re mature, most are not. I have know few actually mature teenagers, hell even legal adults are immature, majority are immature as hell. I do not feel that a person should have sex unless they are ready to face pregnancy, which at a teenage age, most are not.

Answer #18

Not to mention that pretty much every kid that age thinks they’re in love, or the person loves them and they’ll be together forever. Does it happen? hah Rare. Because most the times, it’s just hormones and they are confusing a crush with love even older teens.

Answer #19

I assume you are asking about the first sentence. Most people would think that 14 is too young to be having sex. You are 14, but asking if 12 and 13 is too young, kind of assuming that 14 is not too young. I thought that was interesting. Everyone seemed to think that 12 and 13 was way too young, but no one seemed to think that 14 was too young, too. Let me know if any of the other things I said were unclear.

Answer #20

Um you simply misunderstood. For me, even 16 is too young. I believe in sex after marriage. But everyone has their own opinions. I don’t assume 14 isn’t too young.

Answer #21

It’s the law in a lot of countries, not just those that follow certain religions…. Just saying.

Answer #22

OK wow why would you even think of doing that at your age WTF is wrong with those people hello im 16 and i dont think about that stuff

Answer #23

At 12, or 13, I wasn’t even sure what sex was. In my wildest imagination, haha, it was just two naked people rolling around. Had no real appeal to me.

Answer #24

They know NOT what they do…..Life altering…..

Answer #25

Haha for me, I didn’t even know what sex was. I thought women would get pregnant because they would wish for a baby or something, lol It wasn’t swans bringing babies either, just one morning u wake up with a big belly and realize u are pregnant. That was how babies were born in my opinion xD

Answer #26

It’s all thanks to the media, look at the Disney channel, all the girl singers and acctresses have grown up to be trashy skanks.

Answer #27

I don’t approve of it. But if they really want to, make sure they use protection and are safe. If they are going to do something like that they should try and act like adults and not do something they’ll regret for most of their lives.

Answer #28

I wouldnt, for godsakes im not ready the emtional feelings to come with sex and sure as hell not ready for a kid

Answer #29

I’m 12 and I haven’t done it yet but I would

Answer #30

how can they..um like everyone else!! its not right but it does, unfortunately, happen way too often

Answer #31

it happens all the time…

Answer #32

yeah i agree but i know lots of people that lost their virginity and then had sex frequently at the age of 12 and 13. Because of society these days, certainly in my country, children are become a lot more exposed to these subjects, and, wrongly or rightly, 12 and 13 year olds know a lot more now a days than a lot of people would think

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