what do I do when my mom tells me to do everything just because my brother work and my sister have a baby? I have to clean to the whole house and do a lot more. What should I do

Answer #1

ok, what does your mum do? and how old is your sisters baby?

my son thinks he cleans the ‘whole house’ but the reality of it is he hasn’t, in fact he’s done a few jobs…but HE thinks HE’S done ALL the housework!!

if my son worked and my daughter had a baby, I would expect the other members in the house to pitch in…(if you want the truth)

dependent on the age of the baby, I would expct the daughter to pitch in too, afterall, if she wasn’t at home she would have house work to do, wouldn’t she?

my children help out around the house, but they have to for many reasons, my husband works (a lot) I am at uni and study a lot, so if my children are capable of doing little jobs, then why shouldn’t they? being in a family is about helping each other out, it’s about pulling together as a team, and being a child is more than just having fun, it’s about learning how to be responsible and learn the skills it takes to live in the outside world.

I would suggst that you draw up a rota (I have said this before) but draw it up, include all the things that need doing, sleep, chores, play, baths, study, chill out time etc and include everyone into it…you will also have to include your brothers work commitments, your sisters duties towards her baby and your mums responsibiltys…I think if you do that, you will actually see that most of all there time is taken up already, let alone with house work too.

I realise I have said NOTHING that you want to hear, but life really is about working as a team, but that means that everyone should understand that, not just you…

draw up the plan, incorporate everyone into it, and their respoinsiblitys, and you will probably end up with more free time than what you have now… :)

family life is like ANY relationship, sometimes you have good months, sometimes you have not so good months, the key is riding them together..

Answer #2

Speak up for yourself. Give your mom reasons why YOU shouldn’t do all the work. That’s what I do. But I’ll be honest with you sometimes it’ll work and sometimes it’s a complete failure.

Answer #3

At first dont give the same question twice! And about your question. I think,that it wont be continued long,so do more now for your family,because they have done more for you!I think your mom and sister will be happy seeing how you are helping them.Continue help,and they’ll help you when you need a help!

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