Ok, so I'm going to the Bahamas ...

Any ideas about what gto do, other than drink a lot, snorkel, gamble, and hang on the beach staring at bikinis?

Answer #1

Well, we went on the trip back in June, and had a great time. We didn’t stay in one place long enough to really get to know the locals, but we certainly interacted with them.

This was actually our 3rd trip to teh Bahamas, and we had a great time as usual.

Answer #2

omg go meet the people…bahamans are amongst ht ekindest people on the planet…I mean make friends with the locals but be care ful bahamas pretty unsafe…make sure you don’t get mugged but its the same as other cities I suppose…hehe yeah I hop eu have an awesome time bahamas the best!Dont waste your time gambling or settle for dumb hotel life…go out for adventure!!

Answer #3

yeah I got an idea… dont plan what your gna do on a vacation.. just do it:D just live life, dont go by a schedual lol

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