OK, Guys. It's your turn...what's equivilant to...?

A few days ago, I asked the women how I can learn to “enjoy” my boyfriend cumming in my mouth - b/c it REALLY turns him on. Now, your turn… if I’m UNable to learn to “tolerate” cum in my mouth long enough to “fake it until I make it”, then from a man’s perspective, what would be something SIMILAR or equivilant to that turn on? I understand that men are VERY visual beings and you watching yourself cum in your girl’s mouth and have her enjoy it can really put you over the top…so, what’s close enough to it so my man won’t feel that he’s missing something in our sex life? Thanks! Y’all ROCK!

Answer #1

lol he should taste his own cum.. dont you think? lol I’d spit it in his mouth and make him swallow ahahaha

Answer #2

you could let him cum in your mouth, and spit it out later on or you could let him come somewere else on your body such as your chest/stomatch, ect wherever else turns him on, jusk ak him, he’ll know

Answer #3

let him cum on your breast trust me tz just az mch az a trn and bt you don’t have 2 tast t LoL

Answer #4

umm maybe let him cum some where else..

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