Oh Boy

so I am getting homeschooled, and well I just recently took my placement test and stuff. it was a 3 hour process. I saw this REALLY cute boy, he works at the homeschooling thing but he cant be more than 18. I think hes sooo cute. but I’ve always been very shy. I dont know what to do. I know the answer is sim ple…just talk to him, or whatever but its not that easy. I’ve always been rejected because of my shyness. ugh I need help.

Answer #1

no … be yourself … if you want to talk to him take small steps .. try talking to him or purposely run into him on the street or something … tell your parents you wan to have a social life and that you want to go to a public school … just remember that older guys expect more from younger girls

Answer #2

just become more outgoing, tell your parents that you wanna go to public school and you’ll make friends, that’ll be pretty easy funmail me plllzzz.

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