does anyone think its offensive when people say "thats so gay" to describe something bad?

i used to say it all the time and i didnt think much of it, but then i saw a comercial with hilary duff in it and she told these to girls that they shouldnt say that cuz its offensive towards gay people. and on degrassi this one gay guy flipped out on someone for saying it .now i kindof feel bad and i try not to say it and i kindof think its offensive but i dont say anything to people who say “thats so gay”.

Answer #1

I’m Bisexual and have never been insulted by it. I say it myself.

Answer #2

I say it constantly :P But other gays get mad when I do =/ I guess it offends some people more than others.

Answer #3

yea, i dont really make a big deal out of it but some people in my school started crying cuz they heard people say it and got offended and people got sent to the princable soffice so now i get scared to say it at school cuz i dont know who is gay and whose not and im afraid someone will hear me and cry or just cause a bnch of trouble and my school had an assemblie about it too.

Answer #4

Nah, the word gay means happy/merry and homosexual…i say it myself sometimes, but i never think of gay people if you get me….i dont think its meant to be meant like that? x

Answer #5

Whoa O.o crying is kind of overeacting lol. All my ex’s say it- they’re all gay. It’s really not that big a deal =/

Answer #6

lol yea it is over reacting but i dont want to hear or see people crying in front of me so i just avoid it

Answer #7

Here’s the thing. There’s going to be a range of people who agree or disagree with this. But that’s not the point. Here’s why so many people have been turning this into an issue and why anti-bullying ads and promotions and the people who come to school to give talks about this tend to focus on these words. Something like 90% of people who’ve been bullied have been attacked with anti-gay slurs. A huge majority of those who commit sui.cide due to bullying and something close to 100% of the school shooters have been attacked with anti-gay slurs. Now when you say ‘that’s so gay’, do you mean it in a derogatory way, no. But that’s not the point. Imagine if someone said, ‘that’s so black’ or ‘that’s so jew’. It’s the same thing. Only for some reason it is acceptable to use the phrase ‘that’s so gay’. Now I’m not pointing you out. I’ve used the phrase. I’m just illustrating how words can have unintended consequences. I’m careful to only use those words around people I know and I know will not be offended. Because you never know who is listening and what sort of message they’re getting from those words. A lot of people are in the closet. And a lot of them stay there because being gay is something ‘bad’. And when we say stuff like that, it just makes them believe it more.

Answer #8

I know right?

Answer #9

I think it’s kinda offensive to homosexuals but to my friends we say it all the time. Idk, I’m just typing words that don’t make sense =P

Answer #10

depends who you saying it to to be honest like Mackenzie said it doesnt offend her it doesnt offend my sister either,who is lesbian,and like my music teacher hes a happily married gay man. he doesnt mind it either,its just how the person takes it.They either ignore it and take it or take it to heart and be offended.

Answer #11

That Hillary Duff commercial made me want to say it even more. “That’s so, girl wearing skirt as a top” I think. Bahahahahaha

Answer #12

that part was the part that stuck out to me most about wearin a skirt as a top the comercial was “so gay” but it made me laugh

Answer #13

same i only say it in front of people i know arent gay or gay people that say they arent offended

Answer #14

I’m not trying to give you a hard time here. I just want you to think about this. Most people have no idea I’m gay. In fact it seems to come as a huge shock. You dont always know what people are thinking or feeling. Sometimes they dont know it themselves. However, do I think that some people (especially straight people who like get all in your face about supporting gays) have jumped on this and turned it into something it really isnt, just a little…

Answer #15

i agree with u and i didnt know u were gay. i would have never guessed

Answer #16

I don’t think it is. I say it a lot. What’s so offensive about it? Gosh people are way too sensitive if they seriously get upset over that

Answer #17

I Dont really no I mean half my friends are gay and I still use it but I guess it can be

Answer #18

lol. you and everyone else I know.

Answer #19

It dousnt effect me.When people say it to me i turn round and day ‘Yeah’ at them coz im Bi

Answer #20

that’s a very gay question >.> (i dont find it offensive )


Answer #21

watch this video it explains all.

Answer #22

how is my wuestion gay? i just wanted to know cuz i hear pple complain about it.

Answer #23

i ment question srry.

Answer #24

i was joking :P


Answer #25

oh ok

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