Obama...people are being racist.

alrighty them, this is a journal writting from school. So just tell me what you yhink, I dont want arguing.

“today right now I’m pissed off about what some people say about people in the elections, like some people (who I know, and they know who they are) say obama is a terrist because of his name or that he might have been raised by a terrist. To what this all narrows down to is hate, when it comes to election it is only a war with in its country. I dont care that Obama is for abortion, people should have the right to their bodies and their lives. We already dont have rights to our bodies concidering that we are now a medicated generation, so why would you tell a woman that had got pregnatwhe she didnt want to and now has to have a child when she doesnt want to, this is also concidered abuse(for those who didnt know that it is true it is concidered abuse.) Most important things they should worry about in this country is ourselves and the people in it, not other counteries sure notice they are there and that they need their needs but what about our country. The rich we all praise them, they have money how about insead of praising them we work on helping people who need finacal help, it just all comes down to that this country needs help. We need to keep our country from falling into an other depression, but saddly we are already in one. As if the last one wasnt bad enough, we really dont need another. Some people also that “what would you choose> Mccain has experince. Sure he has experance, but only in the office he does, not to mention he is married to a rich person.(

that was what I wrote today. So I would like to know what you guys think. do tell im listening.

Answer #1

Lots of good answers here: http://www.funadvice.com/q/presidents_142340

Take care !!

Answer #2

Firstly, if this is for a grade, you need to concentrate on the basics; proper capitalization, spelling, syntax, complete sentences, and paragraphs.

As far as your political positions go, I agree with some and not with others. For the record, the government CAUSED the current crisis by passing laws that forced those in the mortgage business to make a choice of either just shutting down, or writing bad loans. On top of that, Greenspan manipulated interest rates, keeping them artificially low. I think the real reason he retired was that he realized the disaster he had helped to create and wanted to leave beofre it imploded.

So, if the government caused it, do we really think they are now smarter and can fix it? Washington has the collective intelligence of a peanut, and has the restraint of a sailor in a cathouse. They are the problem, not the solution.

Answer #3

Are you asking what we think about the contents of what you wrote or about the way in which it was written?

Answer #4

yeah you see what I mean, you have no life. so whats the point in you commenting if all you are going to is bring an argument up. So back off a$$ wipe.

Answer #5

You’re telling someone who is older than you, and better at using written language than you… to grow up?

Answer #6

hey ty who the hell cares what are you paranoid o something about spelling god go grow up

Answer #7

dakota23… if you’re going to swear atleast do it right, there’s an “ing” after the F*

Answer #8

hey leave my friend alone about her f* grammar

Answer #9

mehehe you’re not listening at all…

so much for putting effort in helping you write a better article.

Answer #10

If you want people to UNDERSTAND what you are saying, then spelling, punctuation, completion of thought…would do wonders…I gave up trying to read what you were trying to say.


Answer #11

“make sence to what the hell you are trying to say ?”

ok, if you’re trying to ask someone to make SENSE… try spelling it right or it wont make any SENSE

Answer #12

Lish you need to take a grammar/punctuation class. That’s what you need to do.

tears tears tears keep crying bout it, so do you, theres supposed to be a comma after my name (smile) this is a site for advice and questions, not a english site trisarahtops :)

oh and if you dont like it, then dont read it

Answer #13

to those who are saying s* about my grammar I dont tell you what to do about your grammar so go away im just asking what other people think. did not ask about my grammar in anyway. so think before you speak..

Answer #14

to the readers:

#1: dont lecture on how I should type things. #2: make sence to what the hell you are trying to say #3: im not stupid so dont act like I am.


<3 ducky

Answer #15

CaptainAssassin stay out of this it does not have to do with you. Dont make it about you, beacause thats just a low thing to do.

It DOES have to do with me, as well as ANY other member on this site. You submit a question, WE ALL GET TO COMMENT. That’s how it works.

So just tell me what you yhink, I dont want arguing.

Is this just a poor way of asking for ‘positive feedback’ ONLY? Well tough. When you ask people to critique your work, you should be prepared for criticism. If you simply cannot receive criticism without swelling up, or getting your ‘widdle feewings’ hurt, then don’t ask.

So… the popular opinion is: Your spelling and grammar sucks. And it DOES matter, since you’re writing it for school. You can’t expect anyone to take you seriously as a writer, if you can’t write.

Answer #16

“You dont want to read it because you just cant stand that good old grammer of mine and then tell me you couldnt stand to read my question, its as simple as this, dont read the thing and dont comment.”

Huh? There is nothing good or old about your grammar. It is just simply atrocious. If you don’t want people to respond to your questions, don’t post any. If don’t want people to comment on your terrible grammar, work on imporving it. The first thinkg you said was this was for school. If I were your teacher and you handed in something like that, you would get an F.

Answer #17

as much as I hate leaving a comment on my own questions.

people who have an issue with my grammer, its as simple as this. I didnt not ask for how was my grammer, I asked about what people thought about the elections. You dont want to read it because you just cant stand that good old grammer of mine and then tell me you couldnt stand to read my question, its as simple as this, dont read the thing and dont comment.

CaptainAssassin stay out of this it does not have to do with you. Dont make it about you, beacause thats just a low thing to do.

People who have issues and deside to pick on people on the internent. here good advice I give to you all…


cha, Ducky

Answer #18

“So, if the government caused it, do we really think they are now smarter and can fix it? Washington has the collective intelligence of a peanut, and has the restraint of a sailor in a cathouse. They are the problem, not the solution.”

Toadaly, it was not just government that caused this problem, it was conservatives controlling government that caused it. Bill Clinton helped too.

Answer #19

you said you didnt want arguing but then you go off on someone that was trying to help you??..ummm ok then…anyways, I dont agree with abortion, if you dont want it, its called adoption, I dont know why women would want to kill their child for even if they dont want it, they didnt want one, they shouldn jumped in bed or put themselves in that position. and what does mccain bein married to a rich person have anything to do wit it, and you said we done really need each other, WRONG, if it wasn for some of our friends, we wouldn had made it, you said mccain was experienced in the office, well good, no one is really “experienced” to be a president, there is no class to take that certifies you to be one.

Answer #20

…it does now.

Answer #21

Lish you need to take a grammar/punctuation class. That’s what you need to do.

Answer #22

Lol, I think Toadly was just trying to help YOU out. It’s called CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

Answer #23

hey captianassassin stay out of this this has nothing to do with u

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