who do you think is going to win the election? (Obama or McCain)

Answer #1

Hard to say - they’re saying too close to call but I hope McCain/Palin - best for America by far !!

Answer #2


Answer #3

If Obama loses, it will not be because of the bradley effect. It will outright voter fraud.

Obama should win in a landslide.

Amblessed, denial aint just a river in egypt…

Answer #4

“they” are saying too close to call…you mean the FOX news puppets?”

to be honest, it may be too close to call.

we still dont know how much the bradley effect is going to play into this election. or whether young voters, the vast majority of whom are voting for obama, are going to turn up at all on nov 4

Answer #5

Obama. “they” are saying too close to call…you mean the FOX news puppets?

I will be happy when the election is over and Bible Spice can return to Evangelaska.

Answer #6

The younger people want Obama everyone in my school wears Obama pins, and T-shirts don`t get mad but… I think McCains to old hes going to die before he finishes his term! jk but it could happen I would be scared if John McCain got elected

Answer #7


Answer #8


Answer #9

Obama!!! McCain will kill us all!!!

Answer #10

I think Obama is going to win!!! Woo Hoo!!!

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