Nose studs questions?

A couple questions actually.

  1. Do they hurt when they are done?
  2. How would one go about cleaning it, when to clean it, how to clean it, when it is safe to take out to clean?
  3. Would it look alright on me? I’m turning 18 soon, just wanna make sure I’m not making a mistake and I don’t end up getting it infected.
Answer #1
  1. Do they hurt when they are done? Generally no, not much anyways, every piercing is going to hurt a bit, but everyone has different pain tolerances. Oh and you’ll probably tear up or cry just cause of the nerves in your nose haha.

  2. How would one go about cleaning it, when to clean it, how to clean it, when it is safe to take out to clean? You clean it 2-3 times daily with a warm salt water soak which you do for 5-10mins. Use an antimicrobial soap 2-3times a day ONCE a week. Apply with a qtip, wash off. When cleaning it make sure your hands are clean and rotate it about 3-7times. If it’s safe to take out its healed which means you don’t have to clean it anymore… But you can start swapping the jewelery about 2-4months after having it pierced.

  3. Would it look alright on me? It think I’d look super cute! But I think a ring would look better on you…

The chances of any piercing getting infected is really rare as long as its done properly, and everything is very sterile, and if you keep up with cleaning it properly. =]

Answer #2
  1. Do they hurt when they are done? no, im 14, it made my eyes water. That is it !!
  2. How would one go about cleaning it, when to clean it, how to clean it, when it is safe to take out to clean? I went to spell bound it huntingdon, its HIGHLY recommended, im getting my tounge done there next, all you do is clean it with salt and water, which I thought would sting, but you cant feel a thing.
  3. Would it look alright on me? off course, my mum hated nose studs on everyone, but she said it looks great on me.
Answer #3

im thinking about getting one. it might be weird tho. most guys usually dont get them.

Answer #4

I just did mine my self two weeks ago and it hurt for the first day or two but after that it wasnt that bad,

I just cleaned it with ear cleaner and it didnt get infected.

and I think I would look really cute on you!

ohh and when you get it done it makes you eyes water like a b!tch. lol

Answer #5

I got mine done about 3 months ago.. when you get it peirced they will tell you everything; how to clean it, when to clean it and its usually ok to take it out after about 6 weeks, and im sure it’ll look great on you :D

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