Nose pores?

So I think they are pores. I wear makeup but not a lot but now I am noticing that im getting this white dots on my nose. You know I think its gunk. How do I get rid of it. I heard about the nutragena blackhead eraser or the other stuff like it will that help?

Answer #1

Just a quick lesson:

Pores - Skin has pores. Everyone has them. They’re cleaning outlets for your skin. Normally, they’re tiny and closed.

Whiteheads and blackheads appear because of clogged pores. Wearing makeup and not washing them off properly and generally not maintaining a clean face will result in them. Your skin produces sweat and oil to keep the skin supple. It’s the skin’s natural cleaning method, which also helps regulate your body’s temperature. They get clogged because of make-up and other pollutants in the air. That’s why you need to wash your face twice every day, use make-up removers if you’re using make-up, and dab away excess oil if your face gets too oily.

Answer #2

Yeah you should wash your face a lot when you wear makeup. Or it’s possile you could be allergic to your makeup or somthing on your face if you’ve recently tried a new product. Use a gentle scrub to wash your face like either somthin with beads or a face soap and a wash cloth. Remembr to oistuize and maybe cut back on the make up a little in this area.

Answer #3

it’s called whiteheads

you just need to wash your water with water or a cleanser,

most people say with mild soap and water but the soap will only strip your skin of its natural mostures, just like if you were to wash your hair with it. that’s why we make stuff for this.

things like the blackhead eraser and the neutrogena wave or just things that help a little more, if your willing to buy it, go ahead.

Answer #4

I would definitely recommend Biore Face Strips.

And remember to use a good facial scrub in the day and night.

Answer #5

Noses do have pores and you can use creams or face masks

Answer #6

-biore pore strips for your nose… -or use a mask

-you can also use egg whites as a mask for your nose…it naturally closes your pores. put it on your nose…let it dry…wash it off.

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