I have large pores on my nose! Why and how do I get rid of them? ‘In Style’ mag said to exfoliate 3 times a week to get the “gunk” out. But I don’t wear makeup on my face, so what’s the gunk? I have these double-sided pads from Neutragena (however that’s spelled) that exfoliates with the beaded side and mousturizes with the ribbed side. It’s great and all for acne, but what about the exfoliation? Help please…

Answer #1

one easy way is with corn starch… right after you wash your face take a about three teaspoons of corn starch mix a little water in your hand and put it on your face. its going to be very rough so make sure you dont scrub too hard… the corn starch is rough enough no need for extra hard scrubing.. once your done rinse it off with warm water then splash some super cold water on your face.. this always minimizes your pore appearance:) hope this helps

Answer #2

ok, you need to go to your local chemist and ask for a good exfoliator, that loosens the dead skin cells on your face but im not sure what it can do about pores, i have the same problem but i use a face pack that slowly reduces the apperance not size, its from a beauty catalogue named avon, not sure if ur in uk or usa dont not sure if you have it over there, anyway the other answer is gunk is not nessaserily make up, its basically muck, try not to touch your face without washing your hands first and just remember to wash twice daily

Answer #3

I use neautrogena black head eliminating scrub.You have to use it for about 3 months to notice any difference.It makes them easier to squeeze.:D

Answer #4

As exfoliator you can make it at home: use milk, honey, and corn flour mix the three and then cleanse your face you can use it on your body as well. If you don’t have corn flour you can use brown sugar. Remember that after exfoliating your face you need to restore the PH and you do that by applying tonique water (sorry don’t know how to call in in english). I don’t like the brand of those products you are using because they contain too much alcohol which is too harsh on the skin. Do you have black heads on your nose? If you poke your nose don’t use your bare fingers but wrap them on paper first and only after taking a warm bath, that’s because the steam opens the pores and facilitates the extraction of black heads. With time pores on some areas of the skin lose elasticity, one question, when you squeeze your nose the white stuff that comes out is it soft or hard? normally if it’s hard your pores will have the tendency to lose elasticity, the best you can do is to maintain your pores clean. Whenever you have the oportunity get a facial cleaning. I am a beautician and honestly here in the US I haven’t found good facial products I get mine in Europe the brand I use is starting to sell their products here in the US as well here is the link: if you need a more personalized advice let me know. Try the exfoliator I told you, it’ll make your skin feel like a baby’s skin.

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