New years questions!

It’s the start of a new year! It seems like more and more people want to lose weight this year…so what’s YOUR new year’s resolution?? Also…what are the traditions for the new year where your from? What are YOU doing this new years? Any storys from past new years celabrations?

I’d love to hear it all!

Answer #1

Well, my new years resolution is to not be that shy and to be more outgoing. My family just stays up till midnight and drink wine {{sparkling crap for me}}. yepp.

Answer #2

yeah its not so much I want to loose weight, but I want to eat more healthful foods. im pretty much a junkfood junkie and it wouldnt hurt to lose a few pounds =) but my other resolution that is a bit more important to me is to get my crap together I need to get my license and figure out what im going to do after I graduate in FIVE MONTHS lol so yeah im pretty much lost at sea in that area of my life.

But anyways THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST YEAR EVERRR !! (if I think that way, maybe it will happen lol)

Answer #3

My new years resolution is to not bite my nails, and to try not to be so ocd-ish, do my exersice. We have a party or visit another party every year, its the biggest night of the year! This year we’re going to my mums friends house, going to be a big party. ermm 2 years ago I got glass stuckin my foot from being so drunk and couldnt get it out and my foot went green lol

Answer #4

Ha! I forgot to put in my answer! My New Year’s resolution is…to be more selfless. To help the homeless, the poor, the hungry…and to quit shopping for myself so much!

My tradition is usually a party, which is what I am about to do. It’s about 6pm here and people are already arriving! I’m visiting my home town, I’ve been here since Christmas and I’m leaving 5 January =’[

…My relatives, there friends, MY old friends and THERE friends and relatives are all coming over to ring in the new year.. and wish me good luck to my trip back to the states!

Answer #5

of course…lose weight. This past year I lost 70 pounds! Whooo! But I still need to lose more.

Answer #6

I want to lose weight

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