Needing serious opinions.

I’m 18 years old. And was with my last boyfriend for 4 ended badly as he left to move away without saying goodbye. Anyway, the last time we had sex was 3 and a half weeks ago, I’m on the pill and we used a condom, but im still getting used to the pill so I have taken a few of them late. I’ve been finding today I’ve been needing to urinate a lot more than I usually do, I haven’t experienced any other symptoms though. I’m a bit on edge at the moment after everything thats happened and I’m a bit scared I think I know deep down that im not pregnant but im not 100%. From reading my situation do you think it is worth double checking, just to be on the safe side? I am really sorry about this guys I know a lot of people ask about pregnancy and you must be getting sick and tired of it. Im not asking you to tell me if I am because obviously you cant tell me that, I’d just like to know what are the chances of becoming pregnant whilst on the pill and using a condom, and also if you can start experiencing symptoms as early as 3 and a half weeks (such as urinating more)

Answer #1

I really dont think you are being that you are on birth control and you used a condom. but if you are worried just take a test to be sure. just so you can feel more at ease.

Answer #2

Don’t worry so. Even without protection and during a woman’s peak ovulation period, she only has 20 or so percent chance of becoming pregnant. If you stress out too much, you’ll end up missing your period due to stress, which will make you freak out more. Wait until it’s time to get your period, if you miss it, take a birth control test. Just don’t worry too much; you seemed to have used a lot of protection.

The first time I did it, I wasn’t on birth control because I couldn’t afford it at the time and then my period was late one month. Turns out, I jut stressed myself so much, I missed my period. I took 3 birth control tests too, so I’ve been where you’re at (maybe feeling a little more freaked, lol)

Answer #3

def double check! make sure its not just your period and then get a birth test to see if your pregnat. :) hope this helps!

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