what do you think about my story? opinions needed

I met this guy on the internet 2 years ago and we just met eachother for new years. Before we met I did not care wot girls he was with and stuff, I was jealous yea but not like now. My question is this we both really like eachother so much it could turn into love but I am in west v and hes in cali He said he wants to be together one day forever. I am still a virgin, but do oral sex and he said make him videos of me doing that and send it to him to watch he likes that stuff, But he does not want me to lose my virginity to anyone here, But he just had sex with a girl a week ago. what do you think ? is it fair or no?

Answer #1

heck no it aint fair he cant have his cake and eat it too..I wud tell him ok and do whatever I want to do..good luck

Answer #2

This is not a fair relationship and it seems that he is taking advantage of you. I would end it now with him. Think about it: if he really love you and wanted to spend his life with you, then he would not be with other girls. He sounds very controlling too. He can have sex, but you cant? And do not send him a video, he may send it to others. He does not sound at all trustworthy… Funmail me if you need anymore help!

Answer #3

I am still a virgin, but do oral sex and he said make him videos of me doing that and send it to him to watch he likes that stuff>> You met once, and hes disrespecting you already? Dont EVER video tape yourself doing anything physical. He can have sex, but you cant…sounds like he wants to get to you first before someone else does. Controlling, & selfish in my book! Why dont you try and have a real relationship. One you can actually be with IN PERSON, not over a computer. You cant really know someone without actually spending time with them.

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