Need some advice

Ok I like this girl but I am kinda scared to ask her out because I am not sure if oshe likes me back she is almost the same age as me if not a couple months older what should I do

Answer #1

yummeh is dead on the money

Answer #2

Well what you do depends on what kinf of relationship you currently have with the girl. If she is your friend alreasy, then obviously that would make your approach a little easier, etc. If you do not actually have a social relationship with this person already then you need to build one and learn things about her. Consider all of the things you know about her and let that influence your actions.

Start talking to her more, invite her to events, send her random text messages, etc. there are lots of ways you can cement yourself in someone’s head, lol. If I had more details about your situation then I could be of more assistance, but ultimately it is always going to come down to your confidence. You need to think about things. The longer you wait, the more time she has to develop feelings for someone else just as with every second you delay this, any feelings she already has for you could degrade.

You need to motivate yourself and have some courage. Just remember that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If she says no, then it isn’t the end of the world. You can be there for her as a friend and who knows? Maybe one day she will develop stronger feelings for you, but it all comes down to the effort you put in. Be confident, be brave and hopefully she will notice :).

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