Naval piercing

Can I swim 4 weeks after my naval piercing?

Answer #1

its best not to but yes, try not to swim in a chlorine pool though, thats not really good for it but you can swim in the ocean and in water fine just clean and dry is after or it will have a higher change of getting infected

Answer #2

no it’s not recomended they say you should wait about 3 months before swimming

Answer #3

you can swim anytime after naval piercing

Answer #4

you can swim anytime after naval piercing

Answer #5

It has to be asked, “Could you swim before the piercing?” :-)

Answer #6

yeah it’s perfectly fine. I went swimming the day I got mine done. Just clean it when you are done and you’ll be fine.

Answer #7

in the ocean- yep. it will be sweet.

in a pool- you gotta be careful. its full of chemicals.

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