How can I help my puppy that has her period?

my puppy is having her 1st period and i have never dealt with this in a dog before is there anything i can do to help her b

Answer #1

welll, my dogs been through it tons of times i never noticed her bieng mean and all my advice is that you should tie her on to a really long rope in the bathroom area or whatever and let her out every hour or so for about 10 minutes. wish u the best of luck and say hi to that cute pup for me .

Answer #2

just have her where a diaper till it’s over and make sure u keep her in the house cuz if she’s outside other male dogs will try to breed with her and females may be aggressive towards her.

Answer #3

Keep the poor wee girl in your house or garden - if you take her out - ON LEAD! If you come across a particularly ‘agressive’ ‘going for it’ dog I have found a good kick between the back legs, contacting with…works wonderfully! SERIOUS NOTE Now she has had her !st season…off to the vetenarian, get her spayed!!!

Answer #4

Keep her inside Get her spayed,she might become mean.

Answer #5

my friends dog had this also. you can put diapers on her and it will help

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