My period is starting to really get me down

I started my period hen I was 12 im now 19, I’ve had bad periods since, I’ve bled for 6 weeks straight, im now anemic because of it, I’ve been the hospital and the docors, I’ve had internal and external scans, the doc has changed my pil 5 times! I’ve tried every pain killer I can try, and nothing! Works im fed up, I have no idea what I can do, I bleed for ever!, I get really moody I cry 4 no reason an yer I no its all normal symptoms yadda yadda but what the f*ck! Im ready 2 scream! I swear! Its really bad my periods are htat bad the doc has kinda givin up on trying 2 help me! I’ve had blood tests etc an nothing cums back that I’ve got sumit wrong wid me, then why the hell! Are they so bad!!!

Answer #1

You need to put your feet up and relax. It’s normal to cry. I’m so sorry your periods are that bad. I’m sure once you’re married and have kids, you could have a Histirectomy if possible. Go on a birth control pill that can iliminate your periods so you can get them 4 times a year or something. Otherwise, I’m not sure what else you could do but relax, take it easy, read, watch a favorite TV show, ECt. Try to keep your mind off your period and think positive thoughts. Rest up tonight, and good luck at work tomorrow.

Answer #2

I always get my period, and I am on the contraceptive pil, the doc has changed it 5 times, not 1 of them have worked, I get really ill the week after my period because of how much blood I lose, I cry an cry an cry for no reason, people cant talk 2 me when it smy time of the month because I snap at every little thing, its not normal though, I mean I dont want to eat,all I want to do is sleep and when I do want to eat all I want to ea is galaxy chocolate I get so moody and angry over the slightest thing, my eyes start twicthin an I start getin really agitated (sorry cant spel) an I start tapin an bitein my lip I start shakein I just ana scream I cant handle my period its that bad the docs have ad 2 cum out for me its been that bad sum times and I DO WANT KIDS! thats all I’ve ever wanted from being the age of 12, im now 19…still no kids yet as im not ready because I dont have my own place. I have a gr8 job working ina nursery with other peoples children and an aamazin fiance who has 2 put up wid my anger issues every mnth o god im on now and I cna feeel myself getin so worked up! the wors fing is I’ve got work at 7 am 2mra so I gta get up at 6am 2 get rdy!!! :(

Answer #3

well im up for work, my periods getin worse not better, so I mite end up geting sent home 2day im tierd, I’ve got no energy I just want to curl up an not move I no works guna drag 4 me an I no that im not guna b able 2 go home if I get any worse ,lets see what happens ay :( and I AM ON BIRTH CONTROL PILL the doc has changed it 5 times

Answer #4

I know exactly what you mean- when I get mine, I get shaky and I sweat a lot,but I’m freezing, I get fevers, and I’m basically depressed. I get cramps so bad that I pretty much have seizures because I can’t get comfortable. I can’t sleep, and I get upset over every little thing. usually, I just take advil or pamrin, and then eat toast, because that settles my stomach, and a popsicle, because they’re yummy, and eventually I start to feel better. and as for the crying, maybe if you tried finding an outlet for your frusrtation, like drawing or something, that would help? otherwise just try to tell yourself that the only reason you’re so upset is because of your period. otherwise, go on the birth control pill, and you’ll only have to deal with it 4 times a year.

Answer #5

A lot of women lose their periods completely on the Depo shot. Give it a try. Doesn’t sound like you have a lot to lose.

Answer #6

well, just 2 let you all no, I’ve been sent home from work because im in so much pain with my stomach :(

Answer #7

damn. and i thought my periods used to be bad. hopefully, they’ll get better as you get older. that’s what happened 2 me. mine weren’t as serious. but they SUCKED! they were SUPER heavy and i have mood swings all the time and i felt terrible, emotionally and physically. but they got a lot better as i got older. The only time i feel bad is right b4 my period, and it’s not that bad anymore, and my flow is pretty light now, so ur’s will probably get better. that’s usually what happens. not just 2 me, but i’ve heard of it happening to other people. they were as bad as u r right now, but they’re fine now. :)

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