Im pregnant...

Today I done a test and it came back possitive :/ Im not really sure what to do with myself atm :/ im still really shocked, as it wasnt planned at all.. But because I missed my period I thought I better take the test :s.

Erm can anybody help me here lol.. Like as in ..

  1. What do I say to my mum, she will kill me :( … ?
  2. I’ve got to go to the doctors right ?
  3. When is the first scan done ?

Just need some advice on those please (:

Answer #1

Your just going to have to sit her down and tell her. Yes she may be angry…because your only 16. But you HAVE to tell her. She will eventually notice changes in your behavior. Say you have something to tell her. Tell her not to be mad. and then just say your pregnant. You then need to decide what you are going to do. Are you going to keep the baby or abort it? Everyone has their own views on abortion, you just need to do what is best for you. You do need to go to the doctors. You can have a scan in the first 10 weeks of your pregnancy… and then they can do scans through out your pregnancy to check everything ok. You need to talk you the babies father. Discuss what he thinks is best. See if he’s going to be there for you and the baby. This is going to be really difficult for someone your age. You really need to think this through.

Answer #2

Of course you’re all bewildered - who wouldn’t be?

But look - there is no immediate rush to do anything. Go for a walk or sit down and listen to nice music, or anything that gets you relaxed. And then start thinking:

  1. Your mother - she’s a key person here. Think back at all the times she’s showed you how much she loves you, and the times you two have been happy together. What she will appreciate is openness and honesty from you, and she deserves that.

  2. Before you try to make any decision about keeping the baby or not, talk first with your mom, and then with the baby’s father. They’re both involved in this - you are NOT completely alone

  3. And take care of your body - if you smoke, stop smoking. If you drink, likewise. Try to get enough sleep. No matter what happens, you want to be healthy.

Hugs from susila

Answer #3

You have your first scan at 3 months. Yeh you go to the doctors so that they can get in touch with the hospital to arange your scans and a mid wife. Also to do any necessary tests. About your mum you just need to be honest with her, yeh she’ll be mad as most parents would be but she will support you, because you will really need your mums support through this

Answer #4

hey wats up my name is trisha and I think that I can help

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