What should I do about my mothers boyfriend touching me?

My mom boyfriend keeps touching me like on my leg or even down there yea my penis He ususally does it on the ride from school when he picks me up he just tells me he loves me and he tells me hes always going to be here for me always Then he said our little secret I dont tell my mom because she wont believe me what should I do

Answer #1

that is vvery disturbing. he should not be doing that. tell your mom. she would more than likely believe you. I would also tell a counseler at school. just tell your mom. any mom would believe tat when your own kid says it so tel your mom

Answer #2

Yes thats sick!! Well this is what I’d do, I’d get my phone, pretend im texting a mate or something, then click the record button without him seeing. Then either show your mum or a teacher. Good luck !

Answer #3

set up a hidden cam somewhere and take it to the cops.. ALL PEDOPHILES DESERVED TO BE LOCKED UP!!!

Answer #4

…sorry but this dude sounds like a real sicko. If you want proof, slip a recording object inside your pocket and catch him out. Don’t ever let stuff like that happen to you. Especially if it makes you uncomfortable. Only tell people you trust. They might be able to help you out. Best of luck dude

Answer #5

damn!! thats sickk!! tell your mom..atleast you should try..she ll beleive u!!! and seriously..I would kick his a$$!!! he s usin u!!!

Answer #6

Tell a counselor or teacher at school, oh and if you have a phone or something record him when he says that stuff! OMG I hope he gets thrown out on his a** :D

Answer #7

This sounds very disturbing! What I would consider doing is recording, tell a trusted adult they have to believe you, no kid lies about such ting like that, eventually somebody is going to believe you and something will be done, dont let this bother you and keep on going. Some of us have things that go downhill in our lives and we have to overcome it. Remember that worser things can be happening out there ,tell somebody and im sure you will be believed. Good luck!:)

Answer #8

gross..tell a trusted adult at your school or job.if you have to call the police

Answer #9

I see you have some good advice already but I just want to say don’t feel bad when people say that’s disturbing. It’s the boyfriend’s fault 100% and HE is the disturbed one, not you.

Answer #10

Tell a school councellor, a trusted teacher, or a cop. There is no way that an adult should be acting that way.

Answer #11

WTF Beat his @$$ is what you do.

Answer #12

just lean over and suck him off, he’ll leave you alone after you do that.

Answer #13

gosh, he’s a creeper. :O tell you mom, a counselor or at least someone.

Answer #14

Some good advice.

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xox Sika

Answer #15

aw babe that is horrible I don’t know if I need 2 say anymore since every1 got the right points tell someone … ya I don’t know bout your relationship wit your mom but still if he is doing that 2 you he most likely dont care bout your mom much tell me what happens wit this azz okay? im hoping 4 the best man :)

Answer #16

I agree with one80seven 100% dude I feel sad for you I’ve’e had guys flirting with me and stuff dang that far worse than what guys do to me you wanna hear bout it I’ll tell you

Answer #17

dam u file charges against that retard. i have been there and trust me its not a good feeling. i have been raped in the past and dam u better say something to someone u can trust cuzif u dont its alot of pressure to keep it bottled up inside.

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