my friend has a problem???

there was this new guy at school, so she felt bad for him that he was always alone so she tried talking to him, and introducing him to other people but still none wanteed to talk to him. so she just always hung out with him, until one day he asked her out. then she felt bad for him because she didnt like him, so she just said yes. they have been going out for about a month now, and she really doesnt like him, so she wants to break up with him. she tried to but then he just went on about his last break up and how he almost tried to kill himself, and he was talking about what a hard life he has. so shes stuck in this situation, she doesnt want to break up with him because if he kills himself she will feel guilty for it but she also doesnt want to stay with him. by the way she only in middle school. I think thats a tuff situaation for a kid that age. shes in the eigth grade. what should I tell her?

Answer #1

okay so funny you mention that im going thru something like that but less harsh. its not funny actually. but I think that if he is suicidal she needs to tell his parents or someone like a teacher just make sure he is and isnt making this up. why dont people want him around? she really shouldnt be going thru something at such a young age. all she needs to do is make sure his parents or a teacher nos before she breaks up with. if she dont act now tshe is gonna start making this more her problem!

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