My ex boyfriend! Help

I broke up with 1 of my boyfriends lst year, but I realized im in love with him, and I noticed this a while ago, he has a girlfriend which really makes me sad, and he has always been so nice to me untill she came a long, he texts me sometimes, but most of the time he ignores me, I know that it is because she hates me, and hes kind of mean to me now, he used to be so sweet even after we broke up, he and his girlfriend have been going out for like 3 months, but he didnt start being mean to me till a couple of weeks ago. Im still in love with him, and today I told him that, and I thought he would just be like oh… But he was all well I dont love you I love anna. And it really mad me sad, and I started crying, what should I do???

Answer #1


I used to like hate him after I dumped him, then we became closer…

Answer #2

You dumped him so hes moved on with his life. You cant dump someone then realize that you still “loved” them, and expect them to come back to you. Maybe your just lonely, and your jealous he has a girlfriend. You really do need to move on.

Answer #3

well what did you do to make this girl hes dateing not like you? im takeing your side. maby she told him about you, whatever it is you did, if you really did any thing at all. but if you didnt you may wont to rethink about this guy, people change all the time thay go from beging realy good person to a big meen snot ball.

Answer #4

xkbx. she hates me because me and him were way good friends.

Answer #5

you should give him up and move on or try to get him jellouuse , of you .,

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